Fw: [外電] Baker:我求聯盟在新球季保護太空人

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作者: charlie01 () 看板: MLB
標題: [外電] Baker:我求聯盟在新球季保護太空人
時間: Sun Feb 16 04:56:28 2020

Dusty Baker urges MLB to protect Astros from beanballs, retaliation

Jeff Passan, ESPN 12:36 AM CT

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -- Houston manager Dusty Baker urged Major League
Baseball to help protect his players from potential retaliation and to
discipline opponents who hit Astros players with pitches because they're
angry at the organization for the widespread cheating during their
championship-winning 2017 season.


"I'm depending on the league to try to put a stop to this seemingly
premeditated retaliation that I'm hearing about," Baker said Saturday
morning. "And in most instances in life, you get kind of reprimanded when youhave premeditated anything. I'm just hoping that the league puts a stop to
this before somebody gets hurt."


The deluge of criticism toward the Astros did not abate Saturday, with
Chicago Cubs star Kris Bryant calling the organization "a disgrace" and not
buying into the team's apology.


"There's no sincerity. There's no genuineness when it comes to it," Bryant
said about the Astros. "I know that if I messed up big in that way, I'd be
the first one to let you know just how big of a mess up it was. It's hard to
believe. It really is. It's sad."

「我只知道如果我亂搞成這樣然後走到這步我會第一個想讓眾人知道到底亂搞到什麼程度 真是太不可置信了,真難過」

It comes a day after reigning National League MVP Cody Bellinger said the
Astros "stole" the 2017 championship from the Los Angeles Dodgers and second
baseman Jose Altuve "stole" the American League MVP from New York Yankees
outfielder Aaron Judge in 2017. Cincinnati Reds starter Trevor Bauer went on
an eight-minute harangue of the Astros, saying: "I'm not going to let them
forget the fact that they are hypocrites, they are cheaters."

Asked whether he would consider throwing at Astros batters, Dodgers pitcher
Ross Stripling told reporters: "I would lean toward yes. In the right time
and the right place."

Stripling's comments echoed the sentiments of Cleveland Indians starter Mike
Clevinger, who two weeks ago said: "I think players will deal with it the wayit should be across the league. I don't think it's going to be a comfortable
few ABs for a lot of those boys, and it shouldn't be. They shouldn't be



Dodgers pitcher Alex Wood balked at the idea that Astros players were not
disciplined for the sign-stealing scandal -- they traded honest testimony in
interviews with MLB for immunity from punishment -- but others could be
disciplined for throwing at them.

When MLB determines the intent of a pitch is to hit a player, it typically
levies a suspension for between three and five games.

"Somebody will take it into their own hands, and they'll get suspended more
games than any of those guys got for the biggest cheating scandal in 100
years," Wood said. "It'll be pretty ironic when that happens, because I'm
sure that's how it'll end up playing out."

道奇被臨檢、Stripling、Alex Wood先前嘴爆內容,中英文消息都已有很多不贅述。

Altuve, who a spokesman said was not at the Astros' complex Saturday, was notavailable for comment. Through the spokesman, outfielder George Springer and
shortstop Carlos Correa declined to comment. Starter Justin Verlander was thelone member of the 2017 Astros to speak Saturday.


"The game has changed," Verlander said. "I think the commissioner has made itvery clear in the past few seasons that throwing a baseball at somebody isn'tan appropriate form of retaliation in the game anymore. The problem is
knowing if it's on purpose or not. But I guess when you come out and say I'm
going to do it on purpose, you know."


Players across baseball have denigrated the Astros since reporting to spring
training -- particularly following an ill-received apology Thursday during
which owner Jim Crane suggested the cheating scheme "didn't impact the game"
and consistently deferred to commissioner Rob Manfred's report to defend his
lack of accountability.

"I thought the apologies were whatever," Bellinger said. "I thought Jim
Crane's was weak. I thought Manfred's punishment was weak, giving 'em
immunity. I mean, these guys were cheating for three years. I think what
people don't realize is Altuve stole an MVP from Judge in '17. Everyone knowsthey stole the ring from us.

"I know personally I lost respect for those guys. I think I would say
everyone in The Show, in the big leagues, lost respect for those guys."


Added Bryant: "I'm pretty sure it was going [on] in 2018 and 2019, too. If
they didn't get caught, they'd still be doing it. And they're only doing thisapology because they got caught. Everyone around the league is upset and
rightfully so, because it's really a disgrace to the game."


The only way to regain the respect, Verlander said, is to win this season.

"It'll be like walking into a visiting stadium in the playoffs every time we
go anywhere," he said. "At least we've experienced that before. You hope
it'll die down eventually. I don't know if it will or not."







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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ※ 轉錄者: charlie01 ( 臺灣), 02/16/2020 04:57:30

edouard0902/16 05:59看到虎王就覺得頗呵

a215670002/16 06:03當聯盟的懲處無法平息民怨的時候 當事人的球隊會表示沒

a215670002/16 06:03關係 我們自己來解決也行

airflow02/16 06:13柯咧文哲XDD 感覺很會嘴砲

Shin72202/16 06:20聯盟處理太爛,搞到要球員嗆聲來消氣,真的丟到要怎麼判

Shin72202/16 06:20定故意或沒故意?

loveleexx02/16 06:23關你什麼事 ?

JazMaHoJo02/16 06:26我就等著看太鼓人到其他球隊的主場怎麼被球員球迷洗禮

teren02/16 06:56躲人新簽入球員:藤浪晉太郎

teren02/16 06:56絕對沒有故意砸人

jack3403102/16 06:57虎王是不是也欠砸

MindWork02/16 07:09太鼓人投手也會回丟 今年太鼓人要亂鬥20個球隊了

jimmich1902/16 07:18作弊就乖乖被砸好嗎

inshimmer02/16 07:24MLB要贏回觀眾就是讓太空人這幾個咖小被砸爆 期待新賽

inshimmer02/16 07:24

b0829702/16 07:25把冠軍交出來人家搞不好會少砸你一點

edouard0902/16 07:29簽藤浪跟陽大哥

LoMing102102/16 07:29既然聯盟對於這種惡劣事件的處理那麼軟弱 還讓犯人可

LoMing102102/16 07:29以得意 是該有人出來好好教訓他們

f996810602/16 07:41怕.jpg

z03006037402/16 07:42擺個防護網?

LKN55502/16 07:44怕就引退啊

KEDEN02/16 07:44怪官方太軟吧 還想粉飾太平 活該被私刑正義 敢做還怕 笑死

beautyptt02/16 07:50你看吧 早叫你禁賽一年了

laba556602/16 08:06操你媽垃圾V中 等你上來打擊 也砸死你

laba556602/16 08:06幹你娘 投手一看到太空人求依舊手滑 沒辦法智障聯盟

conerwind02/16 08:09活該,不值得同情

CMC67702/16 08:11爛死了 應該比照NBA逼快艇轉賣

hyjoly02/16 08:11黑暗想法~~聯盟就是故意輕罰 讓話題持續 製造越多衝突火花

nsx02/16 08:13樓上,不可能的,MLB還沒到要用負面行銷的地步,尤其是影響

smallwenwen02/16 08:14太空人投手回丟看看啊!客場走的出去嗎?

nsx02/16 08:15比賽公平的負面行銷,運動競技最重要的就是公平性,嫌不夠刺

nsx02/16 08:16激去找個強打者請他打全壘打後舉動誇張一些,多來幾次彼此互

smallwenwen02/16 08:16大聯盟處理很糟,球季開始一定會一堆問題

nsx02/16 08:17嘴,話題就出來了,哪個行銷專家敢建議運動聯盟用作弊當負面

nsx02/16 08:17行銷,我是老闆一定馬上炒了他

saiulbb02/16 08:18不要想太多 單純就是無能主席Manfred想大事化小而已

boy103102/16 08:18野手也該有種一點 自己多丟幾顆 別都賴給投手 增加失誤率

boy103102/16 08:18 一場一人往他們身上砸 差不多 畢竟投手沒辦法丟那麼多

boy103102/16 08:18顆 遇到作弊人大家都手滑失誤也是可以理解 因為不能用正

boy103102/16 08:18常手段

saiulbb02/16 08:18最不會做行銷的你跟我說做負面行銷 千萬不要有這種妄想

lgs12302/16 08:20球場上的事球場解決啊 砸下去就對了

SC30mvp02/16 08:30真的想看唬王來國聯被砸

amsmsk02/16 08:38先被你操壞吧

z2306154202/16 08:4129隊換1隊 唬王你以為你躲得掉喔

johnnychiou02/16 08:50一個名人堂級的虎王 被你們酸民嫉妒 笑死人了

Youssef40402/16 08:55

Youssef40402/16 08:55趕快把你家主子更新上去阿

Youssef40402/16 08:572019CY還不歌功頌德一下

MilkTeaMan02/16 08:57台灣的大鼓加油團可以移植MLB了

benson9696802/16 08:58想問一下 目前看到好像都打著作弊影片 投手作弊是怎

benson9696802/16 08:58麼方式 還我沒看到?

benson9696802/16 08:59沒有要護航 單純想知道

Shin72202/16 09:00作弊不知道,至少有受惠,支援分一定爆增

teddet200702/16 09:02每個打席上去都先土下座就好

jomon81702/16 09:10不用偷暗號 就能上壘 真好呢

ipod778802/16 09:14支持聯盟保護太鼓達人,禁賽一年就不會被砸

aa01081008tw02/16 09:14你自己隊的分數比對手高..那投球心態肯定不同啊XD

edhuang02/16 09:15投手就是得利者啊 而且不可能所有投手都不知道

starchiang02/16 09:22這隊人格破裂,那個V中進聖人堂的講稿可以先想一下,

starchiang02/16 09:22不太好寫吧

MK4702/16 09:27作弊還不好好道歉 真的夠噁

a1284102/16 09:28Baker忍不住?那你知道其他29隊忍多久了嗎呵呵

alex872502/16 09:32不怪貝克 但其他球員X成這樣被砸活該

Clyde091002/16 09:34柯雷文哲…你很會

bighead7102/16 09:34支持開砸

b220918702/16 09:39雷文哲這翻譯太主觀不太好,正常翻譯比較好

owenblack02/16 09:40V中的人格.........

iwgpg1ghc02/16 09:44以為政客很可惡,這些太空人也不惶多讓

iwgpg1ghc02/16 09:45我襪如果有一樣情況,拜託快去自盡,不要當政客

winda662702/16 09:52嘴Baker又是哪來的一日酸..Baker接新總教說要收爛攤至

winda662702/16 09:53少目前為止他講到的有做到,不然以為前陣子那道歉哪來

winda662702/16 09:53?!要嘴太鼓沒誠意另一回事,但他敢逼那群道歉沒啥能嘴

winda662702/16 09:53的。

fatcat102202/16 09:54越來越期待開季了

Roy356702/16 10:02太鼓人打者的第一個打席 捕手都蹲在打者後面一定很精彩

jsstarlight02/16 10:03看標題還以為什麼貝帥為子祈禱文

civic8th02/16 10:04今年對每一隊的第一場等著被開場觸身吧

jsstarlight02/16 10:04太空人和聯盟把局面搞成這樣真的感人

u9596g1202/16 10:05V中二 國聯的比賽自請退場吧 你以為只能砸野手?

Vincent802602/16 10:05大家碰到太色人都藤浪化

chefM02/16 10:09沒問題 直接禁賽一年就不用擔心被報復了

beautyptt02/16 10:14誰說這不是正面宣傳 多少人想看太鼓被砸?

danniel2102/16 10:16全隊禁賽一年是最好的保護!

ennakura02/16 10:27曼仔:我要保護親兒子 其他隊:那我們換砸你

auva02/16 10:29不要多 一隊k你兩人次就好

kkjjkkjj02/16 10:35難怪棒球越來越難看

kohinata02/16 10:38作弊拿冠軍 代價才500萬鎂 超划算

alex872502/16 10:39明年搞不好太鼓人的比賽票房大賣 大家都想看今天誰會被

alex872502/16 10:39

Anikk02/16 11:02整禁賽一年

lym071502/16 11:29作弊仔又在鄉愿 以為新球季繼續贏球能拿回尊重 尊個鬼啦

lym071502/16 11:30所以你們以為球迷給你們的尊重是建立在贏球 而不是人品

lym071502/16 11:30真的是從老闆到球員一個樣 雙標仔 作弊然後叫人不要追殺

abrd202/16 12:05那個哈那ˇㄟㄧㄍˇㄋㄏˇㄢㄩㄧㄢ濃了呼籲民眾

IHD02/16 12:22cpbl:保護? 太小咖了啊 你看誰敢報復我大cpbl? tml嗎?

a330068902/16 12:23虎王。。。 科科

sy199502/16 13:00丟V中 太空人也能反丟對面王牌投手 看誰投的準毀投手

cerenin02/16 13:14大家本來都想大聲斥責,但是作弊做太大了。

yuran02/16 13:52如果V中季中轉隊 一定會後悔這樣護航

※ 編輯: charlie01 ( 臺灣), 02/17/2020 12:33:49