[分享] 張育成 MLB.com球探報告

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時間推噓19 推:19 噓:0 →:14

Cleveland Indians NO.21 張育成

Scouting Grades
RUN:50 ARM:55

Two years after the Giants signed catcher Jin-De Jhang out of Taiwan for $250,000 in 2011, the Indians signed his younger brother Chang for twice that amount. Despite being one of the younger players in the Minor Leagues, he earned all-star recognition three straight years from 2016-18 and also starred in the Arizona Fall League following the 2018 season. Though blocked in Cleveland at his natural position of shortstop by Francisco Lindor, he made his big league debut last year and started regularly at third base in the final five weeks.

Chang's best tool is his raw power, which helps him profile at positions other than shortstop. He can backspin the ball to all fields with leverage in his quick right-handed swing, and he has strength in his sturdy frame. He'll draw some walks, but his aggressive approach leads to strikeouts and prevents him from producing high batting averages.

An average runner, Chang doesn't stand out on the bases but covers enough ground at shortstop. He has reliable hands, makes accurate throws with his solid arm and didn't commit a single error in 28 games with the Indians last year. He's an average defender at short and projects as a solid glove at the hot corner, and he also has seen action at second base.



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※ 編輯: alrin891202 ( 臺灣), 03/10/2020 14:00:14

zxzx052103/10 14:00power只有50喔 還以為有55

sdisd53303/10 14:00板凳自走砲 也可以說自殺棒啦

alex872503/10 14:01有長打的游擊砲 評價不錯欸

zxzx052103/10 14:01游擊守備給的評價是平均 但如果三壘的話守備很好

wahaha88803/10 14:01前兩年好像有進前十?

VIC041803/10 14:02他power 都只有50,小玉應該20吧

zxzx052103/10 14:04OK啦 這評價在弱隊絕對站得了SS

zxzx052103/10 14:04強隊至少也能站個UT

zxzx052103/10 14:04在印地安人就等Lindor走了之後能不能卡SS吧

mess03/10 14:04就是一個替補

nobeldd03/10 14:05gap 跟 eye呢

polanco03/10 14:10版上搜尋張育成+球探報告就找到了 前年第六名 去年第十

polanco03/10 14:10一名

karry091203/10 14:24終究是替補咖一個 不過這樣已經屌打一堆人了

youngluke03/10 14:28春訓都不打算讓他站二壘看看嗎

pttha03/10 14:33退步了QQ

sustainer12303/10 14:35笑臉的農場如何?

localhost03/10 14:35滿分不是60嗎 50很高了

ohya11132603/10 14:3750是平均吧

i89503/10 14:3820-80 評分系統 滿分80

willywasd03/10 14:4020-80評分機制 50是平均值

phix03/10 14:41打擊太難練了

barry61017103/10 14:42前面卡太強的,機會難

westwet03/10 15:12前兩年都在小聯盟,去年到現在比較多大聯盟上場機會

westwet03/10 15:12所在的難度提高、攻擊表現降低,所以評比較差?

westwet03/10 15:13不然怎麼去看他去年到現在的同條件評估?

westwet03/10 15:14要看是否有指是在哪個層級、針對哪些層級上場的觀察

sfw257903/10 15:59至少有平均了 MLB本來就一堆怪物

taddy054003/10 16:56等lindor走太浪費時間了

MedEngineer03/10 18:58就算Lindor走 如果打擊還是長不出來 還是只能當內野

MedEngineer03/10 18:59替補

dreler103/10 22:49內野中線打擊45已經不錯了吧

dreler103/10 22:52其他還有拉上50應該就一班先發