[CNN] Taiwan plays ball 2
(CNN)Sports of all types have been canceled around the world due to the coronavirus pandemic.
But not in Taiwan.
Taoyuan International Baseball Stadium echoed with the thwack of bats hittingballs on Thursday, as the Rakuten Monkeys clobbered the Uni Lions 15 to 3.
Taiwan is still playing ball.
"That is because we did a pretty good job on the pandemic prevention," said Richard Wang, a Taiwanese broadcaster who provided live English-language commentary broadcast worldwide
Taiwan started moving to control the virus even before the first case was reported on the island on January 24.
Richard Wang 是王雲慶?
標題都打2了 我好意思?
Taiwan can play
自創標題還沒翻譯 真該死
[爆卦] WHO專家組長受記者訪問時 拼命避談台灣訪談影片: Reddit討論: r/Coronavirus (已被河蟹 qq r/facepalm r/PublicFreakout爆
[爆卦] 德國之聲:台灣不精簡政策死亡數恐飆高[文長只貼重點] Is Taiwan learning to live with COVID?s 台灣正學著與病毒共存嗎? Taipei has introduced a "new Taiwan model" to shift away from its爆
[爆卦] CNN: 美國CDC調升台灣旅遊風險警示CNN:美國CDC於本周一將5個目的地改列中度風險(level-2), 包含台灣、墨西哥、伊朗、貝里斯及安巴。 這對過去疫情中表現亮眼的台灣不是個好消息,因為過去它一直都列在低風險(level-1)。 雖然過去緊守邊境的台灣近兩個月已放寬旅遊限制,但CDC列表裡仍不建議前往休閒旅遊。5
[外電] NBC/台灣職棒回來了 機器人當觀眾Professional baseball is back — in Taiwan, where robots will be the spectators The stands will be empty, but for a handful of mannequin robots posing as fans of the champion Monkeys. America's pastime is returning this weekend, nearly 8,000 miles away from the sport's birthplace — in front of robot mannequins in the stands.1
[閒聊] 反擊譚德塞朋友沒有PTT的帳號 所以我來幫他發文 他看見呂秋遠發了一篇關於反擊譚德賽的文章 熱心的幫忙翻譯成英文 希望大家能多多分享到國外去
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