[CNN] Taiwan plays ball 2

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(CNN)Sports of all types have been canceled around the world due to the coronavirus pandemic.

But not in Taiwan.
Taoyuan International Baseball Stadium echoed with the thwack of bats hittingballs on Thursday, as the Rakuten Monkeys clobbered the Uni Lions 15 to 3.
Taiwan is still playing ball.
"That is because we did a pretty good job on the pandemic prevention," said Richard Wang, a Taiwanese broadcaster who provided live English-language commentary broadcast worldwide
Taiwan started moving to control the virus even before the first case was reported on the island on January 24.


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※ 編輯: william11136 ( 臺灣), 04/18/2020 15:29:13

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※ 編輯: william11136 ( 臺灣), 04/18/2020 15:31:14

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