[外電] NBC/台灣職棒回來了 機器人當觀眾

看板Baseball標題[外電] NBC/台灣職棒回來了 機器人當觀眾作者
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Professional baseball is back — in Taiwan, where robots will be the spectators

The stands will be empty, but for a handful of mannequin robots posing as
fans of the champion Monkeys.

America's pastime is returning this weekend, nearly 8,000 miles away from thesport's birthplace — in front of robot mannequins in the stands.

Taiwan, credited for early detection of the novel coronavirus, will reap a
very American reward for its efforts on Saturday as island residents tune
into the world's first competitive pro baseball game since the pandemic led
to a mass economic shutdown.

The coronavirus pandemic forced a timeout for virtually all world sports lastmonth, with Major League Baseball suspending play during spring training,
about two weeks before the start of real games.

And while MLB officials and players weigh unconventional plans to get the
sport restarted in North America, the defending Chinese Professional BaseballLeague champion Rakuten Monkeys and traditional power Chinatrust Brothers getto play for real.

"Luckily we can play baseball, it is the most lucky thing in the world,"
Monkeys General Manager Justin Liu told NBC News on Friday.

The game is set for Taoyuan International Stadium in Taoyuan City, about 25
miles west of Taipei. Weather permitting, the first pitch will be at 5:05
p.m. local time, which is 5:05 a.m. ET and 2:05 a.m. PT in the United States.

Cable network Eleven Sports announced Friday that it would stream the game
worldwide, outside of Taiwan and Japan, in both Mandarin and English.

"It is not only for Taiwan but it is also globally because our league, the
CPBL, will be the first professional baseball game played in the world," Liu
said. "This is a going to be a symbol and an accomplishment."

By late Friday night in Taiwan, there had been 380 positive cases of
coronavirus and five ensuing deaths on the island of 23 million residents. Asa point of comparison, the state of Florida, with 21 million residents, has
already topped 17,000 cases with at least 390 COVID-19 fatalities.

Liu said players are being kept in dorm-style housing and their travels are
limited to the ballpark.

Zachary Binney, an adjunct instructor of epidemiology at Emory University's
Rollins School of Public Health, praised Taiwan's handling of the outbreak,
but said he's still worried about starting games on the island now.

"The country has shown a degree of responsibility," Binney said Friday. "But I’d just rest easier if they had a completely closed system, so no support
staff, no family, no one had any outside contact."






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※ 編輯: soulisten ( 臺灣), 04/12/2020 23:14:44

cobras63804/12 23:20怎麼沒提到今天兄弟主場圖卡搞笑呢?

nakayamayyt04/12 23:38因為是昨天的文章 nbc還有個作家覺得monkeys這隊名

nakayamayyt04/12 23:38很搞笑

web94671904/13 00:08我覺得有橡皮鴨隊跟餅乾隊的國家 應該不能笑我們猴子隊

loiqaew04/13 00:09機器人觀眾厲害了

hcrcool04/13 00:23劉應該也有提到差一點讓世界看到台灣球場養護的精華

hcrcool04/13 00:23*也要

n6120804/13 00:25吉娃娃隊也好不到哪

jyunwei04/13 00:48還有各種襪子