Re: [新聞] spc爭議韓砲沒人要? 韓媒:去台灣打球

看板Baseball標題Re: [新聞] spc爭議韓砲沒人要? 韓媒:去台灣打球作者
時間推噓 8 推:8 噓:0 →:5

KBO-CPBL Player Contract Agreement

1. When a CPBL Professional Baseball Club(hereinafter referred to as a ”CPBL Club”)wishes to contact and engage a KBO Professional baseball player, (hereinafter referred to as a ”KBO Player”)the CPBL Clubs shall first determine the staus and availability of the KBO Players by communicating with the KBO Commissioner through the CPBL Commissioner. The KBO Commissioner shall notify the CPBL Commissioner of the player’s staus and availability.
2. If the KBO Player is not under contract to, reserved by or on any inactive list or on any drafted list of a KBO baseball club(hereinafter referred to as a ”KBO Club”), the KBO Commissioner shall so notify the CPBL Commissioner and CPBL Club may then contact and engage the KBO Player.
3. If the KBO Player is under contract to, reserved by or on any inactive list or on any drafted list of a KBO Club, the KBO Commissioner notify the CPBL Commissioner and CPBL Club shall not contact and engage the KBO Player unless approval to do so is given by such KBO Club and the KBO Commissioner.
4. If a KBO Club wishes to contact and engage a CPBL professional baseball player, (hereinafter referred to as a ”CPBL Player”) the KBO Club shall first determine the staus and availability of the KBO Players by communicating with the CPBL Commissioner through the KBO Commissioner. The CPBL Commissioner shall notify the KBO Commissioner of the player’s staus and availability.
5. If the CPBL Player is not under contract to, reserved by or on any inactive list or on any drafted list of a CPBL club, the CPBL Commissioner shall so notify the KBO Commissioner and KBO Club may then contact and engage the CPBL Player.
If the CPBL Player is under contract to, reserved by or on any inactive list or on any drafted list of a KBO Club, the CPBL Commissioner notify the KBO Commissioner and KBO Club shall not contact and engage the CPBL Player unless approval to do so is given by such CPBL Club and the CPBL Commissioner.
6. In the event a player who once under contract to a KBO Club but who has most recently been under contract to a CPBL Club desires to return KBO, his status and availability shall be determined as if he were a CPBL Player.
7. In the event a player who was once under contract to a CPBL Club but who has most recently been under contract to a KBO Club desires to return CPBL his status and availability shall be determined as if he were a KBO Player.
8. The KBO and CPBL Commissioner shall be advised immediately of any negotiations or transactions between clubs and players of KBO and CPBL.




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japan42805/28 14:17歷史文件(?

zxzx052105/28 14:18這合約效力有期限嗎

hua012205/28 14:18上一篇怎寫不可能來台

suzhou05/28 14:18公開資料 網路就能下載到的公開文件

starxls05/28 14:20就算都同意 根據規定要先服完韓職球監才能來吧

jimmy88505/28 14:21就算同意也要服球監,而且他在台灣服球監韓國不見得承認

zxzx052105/28 14:22韓媒說姜是任意引退狀態 所以來台灣打沒問題???

rick77042305/28 14:22之前誠泰的金大宇不就是類似的條約所以沒辦法上場

suzhou05/28 14:23是 任意脫退 要恢復球員資格需要跟原聯盟提出申請

suzhou05/28 14:23叫『任意引退』在翻譯原文上是錯誤的喔~

jkhcc05/28 14:39要問會長喔?那不可能來了,我們的會長只用動口不動手

abc3321105/28 14:51原新聞是記者自己寫爽的吧

rock01207905/28 14:55當初新聞出來就寫有協議了啊