[情報] Clay Holmes確診

看板Baseball標題[情報] Clay Holmes確診作者
時間推噓21 推:22 噓:1 →:3


‧Placed RHP Clay Holmes on the COVID-19 injured list (pending results of test).
‧Recalled RHP Brooks Kriske (#82) as a replacement player from Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre.


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HSyiee08/12 01:57......,

hdotistyle08/12 02:00紐約太毒了吧

chan32408/12 02:02洋基是不是衰鬼阿

ymhu602608/12 02:13field of dreams將會是白襪對上鐵道騎士

jasperjr708/12 02:15一天一個484...............

YummyBosh08/12 02:17看成Cole Hamels

themis120808/12 02:17……洋基到底

jones21027208/12 02:17看成Cole Hamels+1

jjjjjjs08/12 02:28又是誰

GG4ininder08/12 02:30原po最近身體還好嗎 你不是也確診了嗎

cgnave08/12 02:33看成黑魔+1

hhhhh1108/12 02:40紐約是多毒

victor8771008/12 02:44看成Cole Hamels+1

flowerabby0108/12 03:07原PO確診發文 感動人心

GodMune060808/12 03:12我也看成Hamels= =

GerritCole08/12 03:40同為病友感同身受

orze0408/12 03:57紐約現在州長又剛好辭職…

apeking001108/12 04:29太扯 然後繼續不戴口罩 哭啊

polanco08/12 06:48洋基的防疫是不是有問題啊

yaes11108/12 07:01

lsj04908/12 07:11紐約484毒窟 誰去養雞誰就確診

TzuYuTwice08/12 07:26解封後就是這樣吧 沒強制要戴口罩

daniel020208/12 08:03好慘...前兩天不是還有上場 又得了

O10lOl01O08/12 09:05Cole Hamels+1

Yofu08/12 09:20沒隊名...

hcrcool08/12 10:01人家都已施打疫苗有什麼好慘的..