Re: [專欄] 克服投球失憶症!Tyler Matzek從獨立聯盟

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看到這篇文章 蠻好奇勇士的VP Dana Brown 為什麼想簽 Matzek


In an effort to understand what could have changed for the former top prospect,Joseph started watching YouTube clips of Matzek pitching in high school and early in his career with Colorado. He was struck by how easy and natural the motionseemed. The yips can rob a player of that second-nature fluidity. But Joseph thought that perhaps they could reverse-engineer it, rebuild the delivery that hadfirst gotten him to the major leagues by identifying what was different about it at the time.

Kevin Joseph是 Airhogs 當時的投教兼翻譯.(題外話:Airhogs的老闆是達拉斯獨行俠的Donnie Nelson)

為了了解Matzek是發生什麼變化,Joseph 開始看 Maztzek 在高中跟科羅拉多投球的YT 影片。他很驚訝Matzek的投球動作看起來是多麼簡單跟自然。YIPS 可以把球員習慣已久的流動性奪走。但是 Joseph 認為可以用逆向工程,找出跟當初讓他上大聯盟的投球姿勢有什麼不一樣的地方

He approached Matzek in his next bullpen session and showed him screenshots on his phone, juxtaposing the more fluid motion from years before with his most recent start for the AirHogs.


“Here’s where your arm was then, here’s where your arm is now,” Joseph told
him. Just that simple.


For whatever reason, it clicked. Matzek started tinkering to get back his old form and finally become the pitcher he was supposed to be.

不知為何,這是有用的。Matzek 開始回到他的舊姿勢,最後終於變成了他該成為的投手

“It really was in a matter of weeks,” Joseph said. “His velocity was way up and he was back to dominating.”


The scouting director who pushed

After every big game this postseason, Dana Brown goes down to the Braves clubhouse, hugs Matzek, and tells him he’s proud of him, keep it up.

“We're kind of attached in that way now,” Brown said.
這季後賽的每場重要比賽後,Dana Brown都會去勇士球場抱下Matzek, 跟他說他以他為榮,繼續努力

Brown, the Braves VP of scouting, likes his staff to keep tabs on former first-rounders. It’s a way of honing what works and what doesn’t in pre-draft evaluations. Who pans out, and who doesn’t. So he sort of remembered Matzek when an agent called to convince Brown he was worth another look.

Brown, 勇士的球探部門VP,喜歡他的手下追蹤前第一輪的選手。這是研究選秀前評估哪邊是有效,哪邊沒效的方法。誰成功,誰沒有。所以當一個經紀人打給他,說服他可以看下Matzek時,他依稀還記得Matzek

Brown had heard stories like that, a talented guy flames out and resurfaces a few years later in an unconventional way. If this was one of those, the Braves didn’t want to miss out. He sent a scout, Ron Marigny, and someone to capture andanalyze Edgertronic video.

Brown已聽過相同的故事了,一個有天分的選手消失,幾年後用不尋常的方式回歸。如果這次是其中之一,那勇士當然不能錯過。他派了位球探,Ron Marigny, 跟另一個人去錄跟分析高速攝影機拍的影片

“Both angles were very important,” Brown said. And both angles agreed: This guy had upside. So Brown wrote an email to Anthopoulos laying it all out. But theGM wasn’t sold. It was so close to the end of the 2019 season, maybe they could just wait till next spring.


“And that's when I started to push,” Brown said.

“You're gonna lose this guy if you do that,” he told Anthopoulos. “This is a
left-hander, former first-rounder, really good arm strength. He's really starting to put it together. And it sounds like this is the window if you want this guy.”


Brown and Anthopoulos go way back — all the way to the Expos.


Dana Brown和Alex Anthopoulos已經認識很久了,早在2002年他們就在博覽會隊共事過。

“And he knows, I don't usually push unless I'm freaking out.”

So they offered Matzek a two-year minor-league deal and, well, you know how that’s worked out.





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josephh11/03 15:03陳陳大丈夫有機會逆向嗎

A80211ab11/03 15:03一個設備工程師維修的故事

alex872511/03 15:04陳陳大丈夫的問題就只是很單純的無法投長

waiting080111/03 15:06推推

Stelle11/03 15:07推 然後文中那句Expos 是說Anthopoulos跟Brown認識很久

xximab11/03 15:08陳陳大丈夫就是壞掉了,而且備品停產。變沉沉大丈夫

Stelle11/03 15:08可以追溯到兩個人在蒙特婁博覽會共事的年代(查了是2002)

polanco11/03 15:09推這篇 也推樓上講解

bingreen11/03 15:09認真推!感謝考查

※ 編輯: Skyblueway ( 臺灣), 11/03/2021 15:10:02

Skyblueway11/03 15:11也謝謝樓上stelle

airhonda11/03 15:11go way back 是認識很久或攪和很久的意思 那句應該是說

airhonda11/03 15:11 Brown跟Antho從博覽會時期就認識(開始攪和)了

seimo11/03 15:12現代運科強大到讓你起死回生

airhonda11/03 15:13哈哈 我慢了 就是Stelle版友解釋的~

edhuang11/03 15:17推翻譯和推文講解

seedroy11/03 15:18

saiulbb11/03 15:22恭喜

BaRanKa11/03 15:29感謝原文及翻譯分享

c257891011/03 15:29用講的就修好 厲害XD

c25197011/03 16:00感謝大大整理~~~

catsondbs11/03 16:49筒香也是看影片找回打擊姿勢

ac19711/03 17:05

ianshadow11/03 23:25"it sounds like this is the window if you want th

ianshadow11/03 23:25is guy"翻成「如果你想要簽他的話就是現在了」比較接

ianshadow11/03 23:25近原文的意思