[情報] 太空人用6年1.15億美金綁下Yordan Álva
Slugger Yordan Álvarez and the Houston Astros are in agreement on a six-year, $115 million contract extension, sources familiar with the deal tell ESPN. Contract kicks in next season. Biggest contract ever for a DH and $26M/year for 3 FA years. And Astros lock up a great hitter
太空人宣佈提前綁下陣中24歲古巴籍野手Yordan Álvarez
Yordan Álvarez's six-year, $115M deal with the Astros is the fourth biggest ever for a player who has yet to reach arbitration, behind only Fernando Tatis Jr.(14/340), Buster Posey (8/159) and Mike Trout (6/144.5). Álvarez, 24, is one of the best hitters in MLB. Deserves it.
僅次於尖帝士 340M、Posey 159M、鱒魚 144.5M
2023(26歲) $12,000,000
2024(27歲) $10,000,000
2025(28歲) $15,000,000
2026(29歲) $26,000,000
2027(30歲) $26,000,000
2028(31歲) $26,000,000
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 06/04/2022 06:46:46
Alvarez打擊是真的穩 但就是守備也爛的很穩
不便宜吧 仲裁拿很多耶
[爆卦] NASA挑選出10位太空人候選人美國太空總署今天挑選出10名候選太空人(有12000名美國公民報名), 之後將進行為期2年的訓練, 訓練合格就成為NASA正式太空人。 Nichole Ayers (女),32歲,美國空軍少校, 在美國空軍學院獲得數學學士學位,輔修俄語, 後來她在萊斯大學獲得應用數學碩士學位。她是一名經驗豐富的戰機飛行員,她在T-38和F-22戰機擁有超過200戰鬥小時和超過1150小時的總飛行小時, 她是少數駕駛F-22戰機的女飛官之一。 Marcos Berríos(男),37歲,美國空軍少校,美國陸軍航空發展局擔任航太工程師。他是一名試飛員,擁有麻省理工學院的機械工程學士學位和史丹佛大學機械工程碩士學位以及航太工程博士學位。他是美軍傑出飛行員, 他在超過21種不同的機型積累110多次戰鬥任務和1300小時的飛行時數。 Christina Birch(女), 35歲, 亞利桑那大學數學學士學位和分子生物物理學士學位。在她獲得麻省理工學院的生物工程博士學位後,她在加州大學河濱分校教授生物工程,並在加州理工學院教授科學寫作, 她也是美國國家隊場地自行車的選手。爆
[外絮] LBJ有資格在今夏與湖人簽2年9710萬美元的延長合約LBJ有資格在今夏與湖人簽訂一份2年9710萬美元的延長合約 As per NBA rumors, LeBron James will be eligible for a two-year $97.1 million ex tension with the LA Lakers on August 4. 根據NBA傳聞,LBJ將有資格在8月4日與洛杉磯湖人隊簽訂一份2年9710萬美元的延長合約。 However, he's set to miss the playoffs for the second time in four seasons. Out32
[討論] Strasburg這張7年約會成為史上最爛合約嗎2019年Stephen Strasburg為國民拿到世界大賽冠軍 同時也讓他爭取到7年2億4500萬美元的天價合約 然而過去兩年都因傷而苦加起來總共只投26局 今年即將滿34歲的小史還有機會再重返顛峰像虎王一樣嗎? 還是跟水手國王一樣從此一蹶不振再也投不出成績22
[討論] 兄弟為啥會給李振昌開3年這麼高的合約?雖然李振昌去年成績還是不錯 不論防禦率或Whip都聯盟頂尖 但他畢竟已經是35歲的老將了 兄弟應該給他一年合約就好吧 現在看他開季投的都這麼抖了19
[情報] 紅襪和Garrett Whitlock簽下四年延長The #RedSox today signed RHP Garrett Whitlock to a four-year contract ex tension that spans the 2023-26 seasons, with club options for 2027 and 2028. 四年延長+2TO 包含1個底薪+3個仲裁11
[情報] 響尾蛇正在和Ketel Marte談延長合約The Diamondbacks and Ketel Marte are working on a possible extension. In one off er the D-Backs would guarantee his two option years and add three more years. Th e total would be about $75M additional. @ByRobertMurray 1st 響尾蛇正在和陣中野手Ketel Marte談延長合約10
[情報] Myles Straw和守護者簽下五年延長We have signed OF Myles Straw to a 5-year contract extension with club options f or the 2027 and 2028 seasons. Glad you're here to stay, @myles_straw! #ForTheLand7
[情報] 落磯和Ryan McMahon簽下6yr/70M延長Versatile infielder Ryan McMahon and the Colorado Rockies are in agreement on a six-year, $70 million contract extension, sources familiar with deal tell ESPN. McMahon, 27, took a leap forward defensively in 2021 and has enough thunder in h is bat for Colorado to commit long-term.6
[情報] 太空人和終結者Ryan Pressly簽兩年延長Reliever Ryan Pressly and the Houston Astros are in agreement on a two-year, $30 million contract extension, according to sources familiar with the situation. T here is a 2025 vesting option that can make the deal worth up to $42 million. 太空人和陣中33歲終結者Ryan Pressly
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