[情報] Blake Snell的車昨天遭酒駕的撞

看板Baseball標題[情報] Blake Snell的車昨天遭酒駕的撞作者
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San Diego Padres' Blake Snell starts day after DUI suspect hits car

Padres left-hander Blake Snell made his start in San Diego against the Washington Nationals on Friday, less than 24 hours after his vehicle was struck by a suspected drunk driver during a traffic stop on Interstate 5.

Snell's vehicle was struck after he was pulled over by a San Diego police officer for an alleged traffic violation. The CHP did not specify why Snell's vehiclewas stopped.


Blake Snell因涉嫌違反交通規則遭警察攔查


"Physically, he's fine," manager Bob Melvin said before Friday's game. "But that can shake you up a little bit. But our guys checked him out today. And we've talked to him. And he's ready to pitch. So I think we probably got lucky."




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Blackie921108/20 17:06好衰

AhCheng08/20 17:07還以為是Ozuna

cena060508/20 17:08Harper也很衰被你丟傷

applehpsh08/20 17:09還以為是Ozuna撞他

realmd08/20 17:09難怪今天沒有5局賽揚

hdotistyle08/20 17:11有五局 沒有賽揚

polanco08/20 17:11四樓XD

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shuanyu033008/20 17:44身體正常還不是只能丟5局根本沒用