[情報] 天使威脅Anaheim政府要取消球場租約

看板Baseball標題[情報] 天使威脅Anaheim政府要取消球場租約作者
時間推噓17 推:18 噓:1 →:15

The city is anticipating a pair of lawsuits from the team regarding a planned fire station in the Angel Stadium parking lot. Angels’ attorney Allan Abshez haspushed back, saying the city lacks the authority to do so.

Abshez added that if the city does not cancel the contract for the station within 30 days, the team would consider Anaheim in default of its stadium lease and work to cancel its contract with the city.


對此天使球團律師Allan Abshez表示政府沒有權利這樣做



The Angels’ stadium lease allows the city to develop a portion of the parking lot, but only for the following uses: a football stadium, a youth sports facility, hotels, shops, restaurants, offices and entertainment venues.

“A fire station is not a permitted use,” Abshez wrote.





The city owns the stadium and surrounding area — a fact that has caused ongoing legal tangles throughout the year.

In 2019, the city agreed to sell Angel Stadium for $320 million as part of a 151-acre property to a company controlled by team owner Arte Moreno. The city was to receive $150 million in cash.

Moreno’s company was to use $170 million in development credits to include affordable housing and parks as part of a development that would create homes, retail, restaurants, office space, and hotels.

The deal fell apart amid allegations that then-mayor Harry Sidhu passed confidential information to the team on multiple occasions. Sidhu resigned as mayor effective May 24, 2022.
Moreno is now in the process of selling the team.

天使老闆Arte Moreno一直想把天使球場以及周圍土地買下來




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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 10/03/2022 21:08:17

kayuzzo1513510/03 21:45蓋消防局是好事啊

tony90073510/03 21:48不太懂天使為何反對蓋消防局

nobeldd10/03 21:49牛棚夠強了 不需要救火

Valter10/03 22:01人家擅自違約給你的地方動土你會高興嗎 這不是蓋的東西是

Valter10/03 22:01不是好事的問題吧

acergame510/03 22:02原來美國政府也在貪

a207052070510/03 22:06合約有標註當然就要照合約走啊,跟蓋的建築好不好有

a207052070510/03 22:06什麼關係?

GodMune060810/03 22:10消防局就不是寫在租約上的東西啊

JoSue10/03 22:12合約有特別規定可以蓋的東西當然就按照合約走啊

JoSue10/03 22:13話說查了一下停車場有夠大,難怪可以塞美式足球場

jonsir10/03 22:14在台灣的話 肯定是在臭球隊牛棚

sustainer12310/03 22:18違反合約還好事喔 呵

xd12346dx110/03 22:23不太懂二樓腦袋裝啥

yangtsur10/03 22:24雖然不是合約內容 不過消防停車這種公眾設施.政府或許

yangtsur10/03 22:24會藉由話題操作一下

echiang10/03 22:49停的滿車子再嗆吧

orgre10/03 22:52那停車場大到爆,附近顯得很荒涼

victor8771010/03 23:131、2樓真好笑 啊就不在合約範疇裡有很難懂嗎

bluestaral10/03 23:132F在酸吧

hdotistyle10/03 23:17牛棚那麼會放火 蓋個消防局不過份吧

speai1889110/03 23:37樓上XDD 負責幫牛棚滅火嗎

kissmy092610/03 23:49政府都懂了 ,老闆不懂?幫你牛棚滅火欸

Yenfu3510/04 00:12我只看中文還在想,如果沒有消防隊與相關車輛資材進駐、

hakkiene10/04 00:13住過消防隊附近就知道 一天到晚喔依喔依不停的 半夜更吵

Yenfu3510/04 00:13而只是辦公廳舍,是不是就符合規定;但英文寫fire

Yenfu3510/04 00:14station就很明顯、是有消防隊與相關車輛資材進駐的,這樣

Yenfu3510/04 00:14就有爭議了。

Fitzwilliam10/04 00:16話說,消防隊算是鄰避設施嗎?

lookers10/04 00:40蓋了牛棚還是一樣要拆掉嗎 不太好笑欸

duo13110/04 01:58順便找理由要給政府施壓拉

xo110010/04 10:06阿合約就沒寫啊

nnbak8555110/04 13:34停車場那麼大幹嘛?反正又進不了季後賽