[情報] 韓國國內職業隊伍喜好度調查(起亞虎第一

看板Baseball標題[情報] 韓國國內職業隊伍喜好度調查(起亞虎第一作者
時間推噓41 推:41 噓:0 →:7

Data analysis company TLOG has conducted a national sports market awareness survey for men and women over the age of 18 from April this year. From October 2020to December this year, TV and portal site sports broadcast ratings were aggregated



A total of 73 teams were surveyed, including professional baseball, professional soccer (K League 1 and 2), professional basketball, professional volleyball, and the e-sports LCK (League of Legends)


Fans with the highest level of interest in the league were counted and classified as big fans (the floor with the highest level of support), loyal fans, and potential fans (interested, but no cheering team).

並依興趣程度分成:1.大粉絲 2.忠實粉絲 3.淺在粉絲


1.起亞老虎(棒球) 278萬
2.全北現代(足球) 234萬
3.三星獅(棒球) 230萬
4.斗山熊(棒球) 216萬
5.興國生命(女排) 216萬
6.LG雙子(棒球) 212萬
7.樂天巨人(棒球) 199萬
8.韓華鷹(棒球) 199萬
9.FC首爾(足球) 168萬
10.大田三星火災(男排) 163萬

In the rankings by event, the KBO League took first place with 16.84 million. Baseball also had the largest share of maniacs. 29% were big fans, 29% loyal fans, and 42% latent fans.



並且死忠粉絲比例是最高的(29%大粉絲+ 29%忠實粉絲+42%潛在粉絲)

The K-League (11.93 million) followed in second place. However, in the K-League, the percentage of big fans (13%) was small and the percentage of latent fans (58%) was high.


其中13%大粉絲+ 29%忠實粉絲+58%潛在粉絲

Women's volleyball (7,246,000) ranked third. Women's volleyball had the highestpercentage of female fans (47%) among 11 sports including professional billiards.



The MZ generation rate was the highest in LCK (47%).



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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 12/22/2022 13:33:11

Isveia12/22 13:35三星火災... 好別緻的隊名。

pounil12/22 13:38三星火災海上保險 是保險公司

sdd542612/22 13:38蛤 到底韓國人氣最高的是足球還棒球啊

merkx05112/22 13:40韓國人都看歐洲足球

LtoM72212/22 13:40韓華鷹這麼有人氣喔?真意外

ericisfish12/22 13:40國內是棒球啊,韓國人關注的是英超

same6071012/22 13:42孫不是踢他們國內的聯賽啦

Adam661312/22 13:43肯定是靠戴口罩的李多惠

CrossroadMEI12/22 13:53J聯盟跟K聯賽類似台籃 大家都看NBA的概念

CrossroadMEI12/22 14:00不過K足數量居然還輸排球 好像有點誇張

dgq7514812/22 14:02籃球完全消失

BusterPosey12/22 14:02T1差一名前十!

tairry200912/22 14:03女排第5 好猛

OPGood12/22 14:04李多惠都離職了

vincent797712/22 14:11女排那個是金軟景的母隊嗎

shi052012/22 14:11孫在熱刺當然看英超

akiraje12/22 14:14我愛李多惠

akiraje12/22 14:15LCK是我知道的韓國LOL電競嗎?

Chanlin0112/22 14:19沒有T1喔

Chanlin0112/22 14:19喔看到了

CrossroadMEI12/22 14:20而且K聯賽的深度粉也太少了吧 幾乎都是偶爾粉

depo12/22 14:26有李惠多嗎

tavern12/22 14:26T1等李哥退休不曉得剩多少

BlueMt12/22 14:31興國是金哥的隊伍 今年票房主客場都滿滿

Dawei116512/22 14:36前幾年去韓國 電視如有轉播體育幾乎都是孫踢歐足

ilikeroc12/22 14:47是因為啦啦隊嗎XD

AhCheng12/22 15:06T1連前10都沒

chill24712/22 15:17我因為啦啦隊認識了起亞虎

k2004070412/22 15:18日韓都不關注籃球 我們還是被虐

zeus766812/22 15:24籃球在很多國家本來就是關注度不到前三的運動

CrossroadMEI12/22 15:48歐洲籃球看似很強 但比他們國內的關注度扣掉足球

CrossroadMEI12/22 15:48往往冰球 橄欖球 板球之類的都還比籃球前面 真正把

CrossroadMEI12/22 15:48籃球當國球的只有立陶宛

sdd542612/22 15:53籃球就 立陶宛 菲律賓跟前南斯拉夫諸國比較紅吧

hipmyhop12/22 16:23可惜台灣沒有虎

nanachi12/22 16:29韓國國內 棒球還是大於足球

eddy1235712/22 16:52竟然沒T1喔 真意外

salkuo12/22 17:01因為籃球這個身高佔優的運動能實際下去參與的人數本來就比

salkuo12/22 17:01較少啊 身高高的畢竟是少數;台灣人看籃球也是看打的帥不

salkuo12/22 17:01是看打好玩的吧?xd

gtoselina12/22 17:39我也是因為起亞虎啦啦隊才知道欸

sfw019912/22 18:46全世界打籃球的國家很多 但很少國家的主流運動是籃球

NK2000012/22 19:09台灣怎麼沒有這種排名啊!

hijodedios3612/22 19:55起亞虎我只認得啦啦隊

SatoTakuma12/22 20:13說好的 都不看棒球?

bypetty12/22 20:52李多惠走了 明年起亞直接沒進榜

jk223312/22 23:27之前suzhou大有貼一篇韓國調查,足球還是比較熱門

SCBogi3012/23 20:12起亞虎剛痛失大物 明年堪憂