Re: [情報] 道奇打算釋出Trevor Bauer

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Lemon487: 包爾還有官司嗎 不是都判完了喔12/23 09:35
ghostl40809: 不是連緩刑都沒有嗎 還是有新進展?12/23 09:37

這是之前Bauer告女方誹謗 被女方反控性暴力(?)的官司最新進展

Trevor Bauer‘s legal battle against his accuser has taken a new turn.
According to recent reports, a judge made two rulings in favor of the woman
that is accusing the Los Angeles Dodgers’ pitcher of sexual assault. U.S.
District Court Judge James Selna not only ruled that the accuser is allowed
to continue with her suit against Bauer, but also dismissed the pitcher’s
defamation suit against one of the accuser’s attorneys. Bauer is now court
ordered to pay the legal fees of the former attorney.



所以說Bauer的官司麻煩還沒結束 弄不好要是明年判決出來女方勝訴就難看了


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Isveia12/23 09:49某種程度他也算是頭痛人物了,少碰為妙XD

polanco12/23 09:52不知道有沒有球隊敢收

AAaaron12/23 10:13狂霸豹

Idontrush12/23 10:14哀 MLB不給投也沒轍 長痛不如短痛 當花錢消災

gn0032489312/23 10:15阿這篇說的是他對"原告律師的誹謗"訴訟 又不是對原告

gn0032489312/23 10:16有利 兩件不同的案子是有啥好參在一起= =

ghostl4080912/23 10:34原來還有這個

amsmsk12/23 10:35難怪被默契

SuHoNdA12/23 10:41真的可以考慮來樂天,霸厄

beautyptt12/23 10:49不和解就一定搞很久 搞到年紀大了也不能投

beautyptt12/23 10:50不過大聯盟的禁賽是已經解除了

kobby12/23 11:05日職的話可以簽嗎?