[抱怨] Franco 色色
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[情報] Franco案沒外傳那麼簡單 多名未成年涉入WANDER FRANCO CASE UPDATE "There has been a lot of progress," a person with knowledge of the matter told @DiarioLibre. "The case is not as simple as is being rumored in some media. T here are many people involved and more minors involved." Via @VicBaezS #Wander Franco爆
[情報] 14歲女孩疑似向Franco 勒索20萬美金+車More details from the alleged Wander Franco story translated to English: Now it is made public because he did not want to give her the 200 thousand dolla rs and the Mercedes that she wanted because she does not upload the messages tha t she herself tells him that she is going to screw up his career if he does not爆
[情報] 有另一位未成年控告Wander FrancoThe Attorney General of the Dominican Republic says that there is a complaint fi led by a minor against Wander Franco. According to the Attorney General of the DR, it's another young woman, not the o ne on social media, per @DiarioLibre / @AlertasMundial.77
[情報] Wander Franco疑似與14歲女孩交往不曉得該不該用情報 看到Wander Franco上推特趨勢才發現的 大意是說Franco今天沒排在光芒先發打線中,然後就傳出疑似是他跟14歲女孩的親暱合照 然後現在推特上多了一堆Franco進監獄的改圖28
[分享] 今日光芒隊進場贈品光芒慶祝813節 813節是坦帕灣當地的節日 14歲以下的粉絲可以領取 Wander Franco 的魔鬼魟特別配色帽子8
[炸裂] Maikel Franco替東北樂天打第四分 也是多明尼加人 與最近很紅的Wander Franco同一個姓氏,不確定是否有親戚關係 --2
Re: [炸裂] Wander FrancoAt 20 years, 224 days, Wander Franco is the youngest player to have multiple HR in a single #postseason since Miguel Cabrera in 2003. 今年20歲又224天 是2003年的Miguel Cabrera之後在季後賽打出兩支以上全壘打最年輕的球員
[討論] 不能理解有原跟上澤被酸欸27
[分享] 黃培閎 我反對刪除潛艦預算17
[大師] 原來上澤還有用火腿設備訓練這段喔13
[閒聊] 對岸廢片的產量怎麼那麼驚人?10
Re: [閒聊] 樂天要做什麼才能回春9
[暈船] 廖幼齒15
[閒聊] 職棒雜誌514期送12強掛曆&斗方16
Re: [廢文] 子豪老婆在問台中的霧眉店家7
[閒聊] 腿迷是日職最溫和的球迷26
[討論] 養最成功的高卒野手top56
[討論] 其實上澤就是不敢回火腿吧38
[討論] 陳金鋒vs古久保10
[討論] 某族群是不是網路比較大聲4
Re: [討論] 林襄經紀公司回應4
[閒聊] 棒球員做重量訓練4
[閒聊] 統一隊終極目標6
[閒聊] 韓國足球水原FC隊 教練要求合約 被開除3
[討論] PTP永遠不滅8
[閒聊] 阿金進來18
[閒聊] 樂天要做什麼才能回春2
[分享] 球速130的人真的不少2
[閒聊] 以前都只能在國外看 XXX人生20
[分享] Josh更新美國球場之旅了4
[閒聊] 全盛恰勝山在今年提出FA77
[分享] 民調:46%喜歡用「台灣隊」稱呼國家代表S2
[閒聊] 前日職名將:應該要「剝奪冠軍獎金」2
[閒聊] 軟銀是日職曼城嗎?12
[閒聊] 台鋼有在看 60人外 有經驗的投手5
Re: [討論] 林襄經紀公司回應20
[閒聊] 想挖魔鷹的