[分享] Soto 還是Walker/Alonso + Santander/Te
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這加起來 一年會超過60M吧 也是比一個Soto高就是了
Alonso Soto我全都要
[情報] 洋基提高對Juan Soto的報價.@JonHeyman reports that the Yankees have recently "upgraded" their initial offe r to Juan Soto. Heyman also reports that the Yankees have contacted free agent starting pitchers Corbin Burnes and Max Fried. MORE: on.sny.tv/aoGGaUj91
[分享] 紐媒:Juan Soto將挑戰600M合約前幾天紐約郵報的報導 Juan Soto’s looming payday now expected to be $600 million trib.al/2onVvC4 點進去看,報導第一句話就目前的風聲是Soto可以拼600M The whisper number for Juan Soto now is $600 million.65
[情報] 洋基提高對Soto的報價The Yankees upgraded their initial bid within the past couple of days to superst ar free agent outfielder Juan Soto, perhaps improving their position in a free a gent sweepstakes that involves at least five big-market teams, according to peop le familiar with the situation.53
[分享] YES電視台分析師:Soto的合約會超越大谷"When Soto eventually signs, he will exceed the deal that Ohtani signed." - @JackCurryYES on what an inside source told him about Juan Soto's expected con tract 洋基轉播單位YES電視台的分析師Jack Curry在今天的節目上討論有關Juan Soto的消息17
[情報] 洋基昨天與Max Fried進行線上會議Yankees had a 90-minute zoom call with Max Fried that “supposedly went very wel l” Somebody on Fried’s side said Max “really really liked them” and they’re app arently gonna have another meeting (via @RealMichaelKay)14
[情報] 大都會、洋基、藍鳥與紅襪認真競標Soto來源: 節錄Juan Soto的部分 There really are only four teams that are seriously in play for Soto: The Mets, the Yankees, the Toronto Blue Jays and the Boston Red Sox. 現在四隊認真在競標Soto:大都會、洋基、藍鳥跟紅襪9
Re: [情報] 至少五隊想要Bryan Reynolds最新的trade rumor提到, 海盜要求Soto等級的交易, 確實導致Bryan Reynolds交易的可能性大減。 他們最近給洋基的開價是要求四名新秀, 其中完成度最高的三人:10
[情報] 紅襪 金鶯 藍鳥對Max Fried有興趣According to @JonHeyman , the Red Sox are one of the teams in on Max Fried. “The Orioles, Red Sox and Blue Jays are all in on at least Fried. Boston is looking to upgrade its pitching and they don’t have a lefty, so Fried could10
[情報] 洋基今天剛與Blake Snell進行過線上會議Jon Heyman爆料的 Yankees had a zoom call with Blake Snell just today. But their near total focus is on Juan Soto. Their plan Bs need to wait a bit. 洋基今天才剛和Snell進行過線上會議8
[閒聊] 基迷可以接受Soto年薪比法官高嗎?法官在洋基打拼了7年外加完成62轟壯舉 才有辦法拿40M年薪 Soto在洋基才打一年 今年季賽成績也不如法官 但之後可能會拿50M以上年薪
[討論] 不能理解有原跟上澤被酸欸27
[分享] 黃培閎 我反對刪除潛艦預算17
[大師] 原來上澤還有用火腿設備訓練這段喔13
[閒聊] 對岸廢片的產量怎麼那麼驚人?10
Re: [閒聊] 樂天要做什麼才能回春15
[閒聊] 職棒雜誌514期送12強掛曆&斗方9
[暈船] 廖幼齒16
Re: [廢文] 子豪老婆在問台中的霧眉店家7
[閒聊] 腿迷是日職最溫和的球迷26
[討論] 養最成功的高卒野手top56
[討論] 其實上澤就是不敢回火腿吧38
[討論] 陳金鋒vs古久保10
[討論] 某族群是不是網路比較大聲4
[閒聊] 棒球員做重量訓練4
[閒聊] 統一隊終極目標4
Re: [討論] 林襄經紀公司回應8
[閒聊] 阿金進來6
[閒聊] 韓國足球水原FC隊 教練要求合約 被開除18
[閒聊] 樂天要做什麼才能回春3
[討論] PTP永遠不滅20
[分享] Josh更新美國球場之旅了4
[閒聊] 全盛恰勝山在今年提出FA12
[閒聊] 台鋼有在看 60人外 有經驗的投手2
[閒聊] 以前都只能在國外看 XXX人生77
[分享] 民調:46%喜歡用「台灣隊」稱呼國家代表S2
[分享] 球速130的人真的不少2
[閒聊] 前日職名將:應該要「剝奪冠軍獎金」2
[閒聊] 軟銀是日職曼城嗎?5
Re: [討論] 林襄經紀公司回應20
[閒聊] 想挖魔鷹的