[抱怨] 熱火迷
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崩潰 小李去了我最討厭的球隊
還好吧 我覺得不來也好啊 來了陣容也是被掏空沒比較
[情報] WOJ:拓荒者可能拿不到比熱火更好的包裹NBACentral @TheNBACentral “Portland doesn’t love what Miami has but it may be the best that they can get”爆
[情報] 小李經紀人打給非熱火球隊,警告不要交易NBA Retweet @RTNBA Damian Lillard’s agent is calling teams not named Miami and “warning against trading for him”, per爆
[情報] 熱火決定等lillard做決定消息來源: H6jHw&s=19 內文+翻譯: Miami has decided to wait ‘patiently’ for Damian Lillard to make a decision, p爆
[情報] 小李經紀人:感謝熱火努力追逐小李Damian Lillard's agent Aaron Goodwin on Heat's pursuit of trade: "They did everything they could to acquire Dame. It takes two to get a deal done. I appreciate all that Pat, Andy and Micky did to try and make this happen." 感謝熱火竭盡所能的想要延攬小李。 但交易這回事總是要雙方點頭才能成立。 我十分感謝 Pat、 Andy 和 Micky爆
[情報] 湖人尼克勇士熱火是小李的首選Lakers, Knicks, Warriors, Heat are Damian Lillard’s preferred destinations per @BarryBondz 湖人尼克勇士熱火是小李的首選爆
[花邊] Perkins:即使熱火得到小李也打不贏公鹿Kendrick Perkins: 「我沒有不尊重熱火,但即使他們得到了小李, 他們也將再次面對公鹿,我選公鹿贏。」 我怎記得季後賽熱火對上公鹿都是贏...爆
[花邊] BR分享小李12年推文:組團對聯盟不好Fans are bringing back Dame's old tweets BR分享小李在2012年9月發的推文: 我是熱火迷,但我不喜歡大家都想試著組自己三巨頭,這樣對聯盟不好。爆
[情報] 小李希望阿拓與熱火進行有意義的談判Damian Lillard’s agent is looking to sit down and meet with the Miami Heat “I had a positive conversation with Joe (Cronin) and I made it clear that Damia n would want them to sit down and have a meaningful negotiation with Miami. And I think that’s something that Joe and the Blazers will do.” 小李經紀人希望跟熱火坐下好好談爆
[花邊] 若是阿拓與熱火以外的球隊交易,小李也會若是阿拓與熱火以外的球隊交易,小李也會去 The Athletic’s Shams Charania stated Monday that he has been told that Portla nd Trail Blazers guard Damian Lillard would only report to training camp with98
[花邊] 媒體人:熱火還沒拿出最好報價,因為他們媒體人:熱火還沒拿出最好報價,因為他們覺得沒必要 虎撲09月20日訊 近日,媒體人Zach Lowe參加了一檔節目,談到了他對Damian Lillard想 去熱火的看法。
[閒聊] 富邦運科24
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[閒聊] 禹洙漢9
[討論] 下雨天6
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[討論] 全恩菲一直在吃東西32
[分享] 是貓仔問我要不要改側投不是川岸強3
[暈船] 侯芳16
Re: [閒聊] 張育成的應援4
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[閒聊] 記者們有收到台鋼的消息吧?7
[閒聊] 如果你家有咪兔球員的商品?15
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[閒聊] 化成灰我也想愛你6
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[閒聊] 會長:雞柳條沒問題、一粒還在9
[討論] 今年開幕戰不知道票房能衝多少?1
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