[閒聊] Blake Griffin退休
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[花邊] Blake Griffin宣佈退休After 14 NBA seasons, Blake Griffin says he is retiring from basketball. The f ormer No. 1 pick was a Rookie of the Year, six-time All-Star, five-time All-NB A player and Slam Dunk Contest winner.爆
[情報] Blake Griffin加入籃網Blake Griffin has cleared free agency waivers and the six-time NBA All-Star is expected to sign with the Brooklyn Nets, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. 之前只是其他競爭的球隊臆測,現在Shams也發推特確認了。 KI+鬍子+KD+BG+DAJ60
[花邊] 快艇迷推文要Griffin回快艇 Griffin點讚Muse Brand @MuseBrand7· @blakegriffin23 Come on back home and join Kawhi & Paul George. Lob City Reboot, I'm here for it.52
[情報] Blake Griffin, Steve Nash 相約一起吃飯消息來源: Nets Nation, a good friend of mine just sent me this photo, taken in Brooklyn today. Lob City meets 7 Seconds or Less. Spread Love It’s the Brooklyn Way 最近剛成為籃網隊一員的 Blake Griffin41
[花邊] 天空貝:快艇是跟我一起打西冠 不是CP3Patrick Beverley sends shots at Chris Paul “The Clippers went to the Western Conference finals the only time. They didn’t go there with Chris Paul, Blake Griffin and the Lob City. They went there with me.” 天空貝對CP3開嗆26
[花邊] Doc Rivers:快艇應該要退休CP3、Blake與DAJ的球衣Doc Rivers told me he believes Blake Griffin, DeAndre Jordan, and CP3 should have their jerseys retired with the Clippers. “I wanted to retire a jersey. There was no jersey to retire... I think there will be jerseys coming forward. Blake. I think DJ 100% should be. And I think26
[閒聊] 我金威武身為蛹迷 這次寄生金塊還蠻開心的XD 恭喜金塊隊史首冠 我永久寄生金塊好了 當個勇金迷XD 發五包小丑背號 --23
[情報] 籃網球員招募?Griffin:不能講怕違規..但有來源: 籃網記者Alec Sturm推特 網址: Blake Griffin smiled when asked if he was recruited by the Nets stars: "Well, not until the appropriate time, because of tampering [rules]. But yeah, I spoke to some of them."13
[外絮] Patrick Beverley回憶快艇時光:拒絕坦克與快艇球迷原作者:Joey Linn When Patrick Beverley arrived to the LA Clippers as part of the Chris Paul trade in 2017, many believed it was the beginning of a long rebuild in Los Angeles. With Paul seeking a departure from the Clippers, the team- Six-time All-Star F Blake Griffin announced his retirement from the NBA on Ins tagram. Griffin – the Clippers’ No. 1 overall pick in 2009 out of Oklahoma – made second-team All-NBA three times, third-team All-NBA twice and won the 2011 Rookie of the Year award. Griffin played his final season with the Celtic
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