[閒聊] Adam Wainwright
鼠蹊部受傷 開季傷兵名單
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[情報] Adam Wainwright加入FOX ALDS轉播團隊Waino Alert! World Series champion Adam Wainwright joins Adam Amin, AJ Pierzynski and Tom Ver ducci for @MLBONFOX's coverage of the @Astros and @WhiteSox 剛剛FOX宣布,昨天才剛主投完國聯外卡戰的Adam Wainwright20
[情報] Adam Wainwright將續戰2023Adam Wainwright will be returning to #stlcards for the 2023 season, Post-Dispa tch has been told. Look for news story shortly @stltoday. 41歲紅雀老將Adam Wainwright確定將續戰2023 不會隨另兩老退休20
[情報] Adam Wainwright再戰2023!BREAKING: Adam Wainwright will return for the 2023 season. Terms of a new cont ract are not yet known. #STLCards 紅雀老將Adam Wainwright確定在明年球季繼續以選手身份出賽!15
[分享] 今日 Adam WainwrightAdam Wainwright #50 IP 6.1 H 6 R 2 ER 214
[情報] 小熊隊 計畫在季末釋出Jason HeywardPer Jed Hoyer, the Cubs are planning to release Jason Heyward, who’s on the inj ured list, from the final year (2023) of his $184 million contract, but will kee p him around as an inactive player for the rest of this season because he’s hig hly respected in the clubhouse.14
[情報] Cardinals re-sign Adam Wainwright#STLCards are bringing back Adam Wainwright. Believed to be 1 year deal. Wainwright’s new deal with #STLCards is believed to be for $8M. Loyal guy, an d a legend in St. Louis, for good reason.10
[分享] 為什麼Wainwright沒有放棄投球?今天Wainwright投出complete game 讓我想起了他之前上Rose Rotation 的訪談 主持人Chris Rose問他為什麼到了這把年紀還持續投球?為什麼在受傷時沒有放棄? 接下來就是Wainwright的講故事時間9
[情報] Wainwright和紅雀續約金額為17.5M之前紅雀宣佈和Adam Wainwright 達成共識,簽下一年的延長合約 而金額剛剛也揭露了 Adam Wainwright Cardinals deal: $17.5M Wainwright 明年年薪為17.5M1
[討論] Adam Wainwright有資格加入130戰隊嗎Adam Wainwright之前春訓的時候球速剩下130, 但是他仍然有很好的曲球跟控球, 同時也能用卡特球跟速球交替搶好球數, 看起來就是CPBL非常喜歡的投手, Adam Wainwright有資格加入130戰隊了嗎?
[閒聊] 四爺明年明星賽有機會人氣王嗎42
[分享] 嚴防陳俊憲39
[討論] Hami 電視館,可否看六隊例行賽36
[開戰] 分署長到底是什麼神人30
[開戰] threads的奇怪棒球文開始多了29
[討論] 大家比較想看玉米丟複賽哪一場阿?25
[閒聊] 台贏日關鍵 球評:把先發打下去26
[閒聊] 選鄧愷威當狀元56
[閒聊] 感恩國泰讚嘆國泰23
[討論] 鄧愷威的問題可能是球威22
[討論] 鄧這個選擇17
[閒聊] 明星賽的專業人員票選可以拿掉嗎?22
[閒聊] 12強複賽有免費轉播嗎?16
[討論] 所以374是被遣返嗎5
[開戰] Josh和6位啦啦隊同班機15
[閒聊] 撈哥上日本早報15
[討論] 吵戴跟林15
[閒聊] 去斗六看冬盟的交通與相關問題13
[閒聊] 蔡總機的脆11
[閒聊] 鄧愷威如果明年選秀11
[分享] 勝騎士沒去球場11
[討論] 應援團預賽完就解散10
[大師] 鄧愷威 = 強化美美?10
Re: [閒聊] 我不懂吳俊偉有什麼好嫌的10
[討論] 古林與火腿簽3+19
[閒聊] 很羨慕鄉民這幾天決定衝東京的行動力9
[閒聊] 四爺IG追蹤者數9
[閒聊] 早川算日本陣中最好打的?9
[閒聊] 古林年薪沒破百9
[閒聊] 古林的螞蟻