[分享] Trevor Story
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打擊及格應該就可以了吧 印象有人說Story已經沒辦法SS
紅襪就是要讓他回歸時站SS 怎麼可能站不了
[情報] Trevor Story to RedSox 6yr/140MTrevor Story has reached an agreement with the Boston #Redsox Confirmed 故事哥前進紅襪!61
[情報] Trevor Story宣佈接受WBC美國隊徵召Trevor Story is joining the pursuit #ForGlory @WBCBaseball | #TeamUSA49
[情報] Trevor Story去紅襪 6年140MTrevor Story has reached an agreement with the Boston #Redsox Confirmed 自由市場剩下的大咖,故事哥確定去紅襪了,也有其他記者證實23
[情報] Trevor Story開刀,將缺席大部分2023賽Red Sox's Trevor Story has elbow surgery, to miss most of season BOSTON -- Trevor Story had surgery on his throwing elbow and is expected to miss most -- if not all -- of this season, delaying the Boston Red Sox's plan to shi ft him across the infield to replace Xander Bogaerts at shortstop.11
[情報] Trevor Story 右手腕骨折Story has hairline fracture in right wrist Trevor Story 日前被球直擊右手 休養幾天之後狀況仍未好轉,因此接受進一步檢查,結果顯示右手腕有輕微骨折的狀況 接下來十天將會徹底休息,不會揮棒12
[情報] Trevor Story 將在四隊中做出選擇Superstar SS Trevor Story choosing one of 4 teams soon. Giants, Red Sox and 2 ot hers remain in mix. Prioritizing winning. Apparently considering a short-term po sitional move, if necessary. 巨人、紅襪+另外兩支球隊,優先考量會贏球的8
[炸裂] Trevor Story落磯隊Trevor Story 一局上面對天使隊先發投手Andrew Heaney一顆失投的變化球 轟出左外野大牆 落磯2:0領先天使 --6
[情報] Story希望他能8月中回歸Red Sox shortstop Trevor Story, who is returning from offseason elbow surgery, is throwing out to 165 feet and expects to be activated to play shortstop somet ime in August. Story現能投到165英呎且預計8月某個時間能回歸遊擊 There was some consideration to Story returning earlier, possibly in July, as a4
[情報] Trevor Story 預計7月回歸故事哥今天參加紅襪隊的賽前練習,也接受了媒體採訪 --- Trevor Story says it’s still on the table that he could come back and DH at som e point in July. His goal is to “play shortstop sometime in August.”
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