[帥哥] Kline Barfield
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[情報] 響尾蛇農場總監稱讚林昱珉 "超出期待"日前響尾蛇農場總監Josh Barfield接受FG訪問時談到林昱珉 Barfield大力稱讚了這位來自台灣的新秀 “The plan was to just have him in the Complex [League] last year to get him initiated to pro ball,” Barfield explained. “But he exceeded everybody’s22
[外電] 從D3到落選到2A-Mitchell Stumpo的故事我蛇的2A小將Mitchell Stumpo 出身於NCAA D3聯盟的球隊,落選,然後在showcase被挖掘,經過兩年不到已經在2A 這是關於他的故事。 ===== by Zach Buchanan19
[情報] 榜眼Druw Jones簽約後肩膀受傷 本季報銷Diamondbacks' Druw Jones hurts shoulder two days after turning pro Diamondbacks top pick Druw Jones hurt his leftshoulder on his first day of work at Salt River Fields and will miss the rest of the season, farm director Josh Barfield said. Jones suffered the injury on Monday, two days after finalizing an $8.1914
[標的] 順發6154 多1. 標的:順發6154 多 2. 分類:多 3. 分析/正文: 1月2月營收都比去年成長(附圖), 且因為疫情關係,有些在家工作的人15
Fw: [情報] 榜眼Druw Jones簽約後肩膀受傷 本季報銷作者: catsondbs (貓仔) 看板: MLB 標題: [情報] 榜眼Druw Jones簽約後肩膀受傷 本季報銷 時間: Wed Jul 27 07:23:56 2022 Diamondbacks' Druw Jones hurts shoulder two days after turning pro Diamondbacks top pick Druw Jones hurt his leftshoulder on his first day of11
Re: [新聞] 新洋砲奈許力量驚人 葉總:不是吃素的這是2019前十年大西洋聯盟(ALPB) 全壘打王的單季全壘打數量: Year HR Player 2019:41 Telvin Nash 2018:28 Blake Gailen4
[標的] 宏遠證 多到不行1. 標的:6015 宏遠證 2. 分類:多/空/請益/心得 無敵多 3. 分析/正文: 今天收盤21.2元10
[分享] MLB最慘無安打比賽1990年7月1日,洋基隊投手Andy Hawkins先發對戰白襪隊。前7局Hawkins沒有被打出任何 安打,8局下半2出局時,白襪隊Sammy Sosa打出三壘滾地球,洋基三壘手Mike Blowers接 球失誤,讓Sosa上到一壘。接下來Sosa盜上二壘,Hawkins又投出兩次保送。滿壘情況下 ,Robin Ventura打出左外野高飛球,洋基左外野手Jim Leyritz在強風下無法掌握球的落 點漏接,壘上三個跑壘者全部回來得分。接下來Ivan Calderon打出右外野飛球,洋基右