Fw: [閒聊] Kiara HoloCure 0.5
※ [本文轉錄自 hololive 看板 #1ZusKu9h ]
作者: Senkanseiki (戦艦棲姫) 看板: hololive
標題: [閒聊] Kiara HoloCure 0.5
時間: Wed Feb 8 17:02:42 2023
next stream→【HOLOCURE】
If all goes well, we will play Holocure new update EARLY tonight!!! That's
right, Kiwawa got early access again hehe
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/hololive/E.u8L-bpbZdB_4
英日雙通人選很多但神話元老 下次三期出來不意外還事她
想看她對兔子發瘋但多加更新ID1 看修羅場好像也很有趣
反正也是會lag到實況不下去的 有差嗎
作者:ela你去睡覺 我才要更新
作者說過他們身為粉絲 不會主動聯繫Holomem 是火雞
主動聯繫作者要幫他先行試玩的 不是作者只給她
[情報] Caruso動手術 6~8周後重新評估Bulls say Alex Caruso will undergo surgery early next week on his fractured right wrist and be re-evaluated in 6-to-8 weeks. Caruso動手術,6~8周後重新評估 心得:51
[情報] Booker 出戰 G6消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: ESPN Sources: Phoenix Suns All-Star G Devin Booker (strained hamstring) is42
[情報] 太陽隊 2022-23年新賽季球衣消息來源: Finally got a chance to mock up all the jerseys for next season. Keep in mind these may not be the final designs or perfect colors. I will update as more details come out. We might also have an Earned Edition if that program38
[戰場] 下週分數將重置Heads up, a new Battlegrounds season is just around the corner! We'll be resetting all players' Battlegrounds ratings to 0 early next week to level the playing field for a new content update - 下週積分重置為032
[情報] EX Raid 停止發放 & 對戰要求降低Trainers, for community safety, we will be temporarily halting invites for EX Raids. Those who currently have invites will be able to complete their EX Raids, but for the time being, new invites will not be issued. We'll share an update when we start sending invites again.7
[情報] 迷你系列2AM公布 傭兵PVP勝利寶箱改1隻10/28 Update: After watching the data since our October 26 update, we are currently rolling out an update to the Fighting Pit rewards system. Going forward, wins will count towards Fighting Pit daily rewards if you defeat one or more enemy Mercenaries, instead of three. We believe this will continue to curb the unacceptable wintrading behavior while also allowing players to be7
Re: [閒聊] Holocure 近日消息 (新系統介紹)How many new systems will 0.5 add? Yes.
[閒聊] 鏈鋸人185 嘔嘔嘔41
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[情報] 雀魂 偶大sc 聯動紀念 送兩抽15
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[閒聊]模擬後宮體驗 BD BOX 簡單開箱58
[閒聊] 我跟女友的妹妹接吻了12
[閒聊] 萊莎的鍊金工房 禮服萊莎 PVC簡易開箱11
[Vtub] HACHI 深夜歌回 #8123
[蔚藍] 今日壽星-阿慈谷 ヒフミ20
[閒聊] 嘆息亡靈 蒂諾是最大亂源吧?10
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[閒聊] 海洋奇緣2 爛番茄68 開局不太好8
[閒聊] P網全站瀏覽量排行榜 大量新人強勢進榜8
[Vtub] 11/25同接鬥蟲8
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[情報] 戀愛中的小行星作者變成小行星7
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[閒聊] CD PROJEKT 表示新的巫師進入製作階段36
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[情報] SHY 靦腆英雄×神魔之塔 合作確認7
[活俠] 大師兄才是最婆、阿活的真愛 對吧?15
[閒聊] ptcg p 是不是有效改善先攻優勢了6
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