Re: [閒聊] 圖奇twitch的"藝術"分類也太誇張了吧

看板C_Chat標題Re: [閒聊] 圖奇twitch的"藝術"分類也太誇張了吧作者
時間推噓27 推:27 噓:0 →:34圖奇最新的說明:
On Wednesday, we updated our Sexual Content Policy. Our primary goal in making these updates was to make our guidelines easier to understand and enforce.

Part of this update included changes to how we treat fictionalized nudity. For years, through UserVoice and in conversations, we heard from artists that our content policies were limiting. In making this update, we were trying to be responsive to these requests and allow the thriving artist community on Twitchto utilize the human form in their art.

First, we want to make clear that some streamers, in response to this update,created content that was in violation of our new policy. We’ve worked quickly to remove that content and issue channel enforcements.

However, there also was a great deal of new content that was allowed under the updated policy. Much of the content created has been met with community concern. These are concerns we share. Upon reflection, we have decided that we went too far with this change. Digital depictions of nudity present a unique challenge–AI can be used to create realistic images, and it can be hard to distinguish between digital art and photography.

So, effective today, we are rolling back the artistic nudity changes. Moving forward, depictions of real or fictional nudity won’t be allowed on Twitch, regardless of the medium. This restriction does not apply to Mature-rated games. You can find emote-specific standards for nudity and sexual content in the Emote Guidelines. We aren’t making other changes to the updated Sexual Content

We are in the process of pushing out updates to our Community Guidelines thatreflect this change. It will take a few days for both this blog and for the new Community Guidelines to be translated.

While I wish we would have predicted this outcome, part of our job is to makeadjustments that serve the community. I apologize for the confusion that thisupdate has caused.






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※ 編輯: nastim ( 臺灣), 12/15/2023 23:43:47

outsmart3312/15 23:44釣魚執法捏

sowulo12/15 23:44不然本來是希望用來幹嘛?

johnny312/15 23:45為什麼不是公告後再ban是先ban再公告

hutao12/15 23:46白感謝了,還是那個童貞圖奇

gohst123412/15 23:46看翻譯後面寫到此限制不適用於成人級遊戲會不會開始一

gohst123412/15 23:46堆HGAME直播了啊XDDD

skyofme12/15 23:47好像不只不能畫吧?

並不是指可以實況H game, 而是指可以允許不是拿r18場景當賣點的遊戲,劇情需要的狀 況 更簡單來說,就是可以允許最後生還者2艾比打炮劇情 但單純拿來尻槍引起性慾用的Hgame不行

※ 編輯: nastim ( 臺灣), 12/15/2023 23:49:13

skyofme12/15 23:47沒有,色情遊戲一樣ban

skyofme12/15 23:47從一開始就沒有要開放hgame

as336670012/15 23:48HGAME有性行為一定BAN吧

as336670012/15 23:48他一開始應該是想放寬說遊戲裡面的裸漏場景 結果大家都

as336670012/15 23:48在畫R18

ztO12/15 23:51大豐收是吧! 跟共產黨大鳴大放後接反右運動一個樣,所以接下

ztO12/15 23:51來要玩的就是【大躍進和文革】了吧 然後再來個「摘帽」與「改

ztO12/15 23:51正」平反收尾 一套流程SOP都排定好了 0V0

akles11112/15 23:52就圖奇沒有講清楚,藝術情色那由繪師可以吧,現在才講明

akles11112/15 23:52只限於遊戲罷了ww

speed702212/15 23:54???日常發神經

Risedo12/15 23:56大概是被什麼單位關切 大轉彎

marlonlai12/15 23:58遊戲那部分跟之前一樣啦 Hgame不行 你刻意停留在裸露畫

marlonlai12/15 23:58面不行 可是一般遊戲中間出現裸露過場之類的OK

shadowblade12/15 23:58廢到笑

stan123112/16 00:00那不就跟以前一樣

ap9xxx12/16 00:00大鳴大放

marlonlai12/16 00:01看原文是指AI繪畫跟真實人體太接近 所以乾脆全面撤回

wahaha200512/16 00:02爛到笑,準備被YT及抖陰打殘了

wahaha200512/16 00:02失去韓國奶台後完全無法止血

Y199912/16 00:04原來是流刺網的部分

vsepr5512/16 00:05能這麼爽早就開放了,當然是沒這種好事

as336670012/16 00:06所以是因為AI繪圖可以畫得太像人 所以連手繪一起禁嗎

su4vu612/16 00:12沒錯 我開放的不是我想開放的 大家誤會了 的意思

aegisWIsL12/16 00:30笑死 原來是大鳴大放

zizc0671912/16 00:32那藝術裸露又是啥

zweihander9912/16 01:11一堆女的在賣屁股

harryzx012/16 01:17釣魚執法 可悲

Vram12/16 01:28所以三次元可以,二次元不行?

poke00112/16 01:56那已經BAN的要不要解BAN

a7509150012/16 01:58這可以提集體訴訟等級了吧

zxa334312/16 02:02圖奇政策一直都是亂七八糟,完全自由心證,根據地區標準

zxa334312/16 02:02也不一樣,上面提到的色情遊戲也是很矛盾,分類裡明明就

zxa334312/16 02:02有貓咪啪啪跟FATE

jay92031412/16 02:04釣魚執法 先ban再補充條款 嘔嘔嘔

happyrvll12/16 02:05原來是先把你BAN了再跟你解釋

jay92031412/16 02:07平常自由心證慣了,說開放也不知道開到哪 人家探探底線

jay92031412/16 02:07發現沒事然後隔天就全部送進監獄,再補一個沒想到有人

jay92031412/16 02:07能這樣玩請你冷靜七天 笑死人

jay92031412/16 02:08最近做菜非主要內容的主流遊戲有啥啊 FF16 tlou2

BOARAY12/16 02:39感謝各位勇者 除了搞耍單純活該的

k79897686912/16 03:58這就是藝術

monsterxd77712/16 04:272077這種吧,不知道可不可以瘋狂跟遊戲裡的娼妓做

monsterxd77712/16 04:27愛不被ban

abc123kevin12/16 06:13一堆泳池不ban狂拿二次元開刀 老鼠不意外

breakblue12/16 07:24想開放藝術繪畫 然後發現自己沒法接受裸露 通通ban掉

cancer070812/16 07:27笑死 一堆人中招 在圖奇留案底就是死路一條

cancer070812/16 07:28圖奇會插你IP 對你嚴格審查 BAN三次後就GGGG

GaoLinHua12/16 07:50

chris069412/16 08:17垃圾圖奇不意外

owlman12/16 08:33一開始就覺得應該只是要再幫amouranth多開個分類 記得圖

owlman12/16 08:33奇很愛這樣搞

wahaha200512/16 08:48kick應該在背後偷笑中

joejoe1475812/16 14:23這是個整人節目嗎