[閒聊] 原來當初G胖比黑猴子更暴怒
所有玩家以後如果數不到3 就是TGA的錯(這甩鍋有沒有十分)
We reached out to Valve's Gabe Newell for comment, and he replied rather
quickly. "I can't believe I gave that Canadian cuck an exclusive for his
bullshit The Fina Hours documentary. Why do we even bother working on games
other than Dota 2? The games media is too fucking stupid to appreciate just
how hard it was to create Half-Life: Alyx, and most of those posers in the
nomination committee don't even have VR headsets. We spent years making this
game, combining efforts from two amazing studios, and this is the thanks we
get? Get fucked, Geoff. We are done. Say goodbye to any chances of Left 4
Dead 3, Portal 3, or Half-Life 3. All you ungrateful and tasteless pricks aregoing to get from us going forward will be more hats."
我們聯繫了Valve的Gabe Newell請求評論,他回覆得相當迅速。
Final Hours》紀錄片。我們為什麼還要浪費時間開發除了《Dota 2》以外的遊戲?遊戲媒體根本蠢到無法理解開發《半衰期:艾莉克斯》有多困難,而那些提名委員會的偽君子甚至連VR頭顯都沒有。我們花了好幾年,結合了兩家頂尖工作室的努力,結果就換來這種對待?見鬼去吧,Geoff。我們受夠了。別再指望《求生之路3》、《傳送門3》或《半衰期3》了。從現在開始,你們這些忘恩負義、毫無品味的傢伙,能從我們這裡得到的,就只有更多的帽子。」
[情報] G胖:滿嘴元宇宙的人肯定沒玩過MMOGabe Newell: 'Most of the people talking about metaverse have absolutely no idea what they're talking about' By Wes Fenlon published about 14 hours ago -爆
[情報] IGN 評選25大10年內的電腦遊戲The 25 Best PC Games to Play Right Now IGN's picks for the 25 best modern PC games to play right now. By IGN Staff Updated: 1 Apr 2022 4:50 am41
[閒聊] Gabe:有幾個新遊戲在開發中在近日1 News的訪談中,身兼Valve共同創辦人、CEO的Gabe Newell表示仍不想談《戰慄時 空3》、《傳送門3》,對謠傳中開發代號為Citadel的遊戲也不知情,但Valve的確有幾個未 來將會公布的新遊戲在開發中。 ournament-could-held-in-nz-says-gaming-tycoon-gabe-newell38
Fw: [新聞] Gabe:所有人都會從與Epic的競爭中受益Gabe Newell says 'everybody benefits' from competition with Epic Conversations about the Epic Games Store often pivot on one central point of contention: Is it fostering competition with Steam, or is its practice of landing exclusive game releases "anti-consumer" because it keeps them from36
[情報] GDC Awards 2021 入圍名單《Hades》、《對馬戰鬼》、《最後生還者 二部曲》皆獲六項提名,其次則為五項提名的《 戰慄時空:艾莉克絲》。以上四款遊戲皆有入圍「年度遊戲」獎項。 2021 Game Developers Conference將於7月19日至23日舉辦。 最佳音效 (BEST AUDIO) Hades (Supergiant Games)20
[閒聊] Epic CCO寫信給G胖靠北 G胖回:你很氣喔Tim Sweeney emailed Gabe Newell calling Valve 'you assholes' over Steam policies . Valve's COO simply replied 'you mad bro? Tim Sweeney 給 Gabe Newell 發了一封電子郵件,稱 Valve 的 Steam 政策是「你們這些混9
Fw: [新聞] Gabe Newell曾在WoW做過金幣農夫Gabe Newell was a World of Warcraft gold farmer Gabe Newell: CEO and co-founder of Valve, recipient of the BAFTA Fellowship award, billionaire, and as we have now learned a gold farmer in World of Warcraft (retired). The topic came up in a recent interview with Edge
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[24秋] 地錯第五季 11 分鏡廢到笑==20
[蔚藍] 仙狐作者 168+陽奈本