[閒聊] Konami:潛龍諜影系列銷量突破6000萬份

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時間推噓27 推:27 噓:0 →:17

Konami has a decent variety of video gaming franchises that they have
accumulated over the decades, including Castlevania and Silent Hill. Lately,
Konami has been giving some attention to the Metal Gear franchise. A
collection of the first 3 Metal Gear Solid games is coming in October to
multiple platforms, including the Switch, and Konami announced a remake of
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater earlier this summer.

What might surprise you, however, is just how much the Metal Gear games have
sold in the 36 years that have passed since the franchise’s debut in 1987.
You see, Konami has recently confirmed on their website that sales of the
Metal Gear series have officially “sold or downloaded over 60,000,000 copies



並且在今年夏天公布了 潛龍諜影3 食蛇者 的重製版。

沒有小島的 Metal Gear 還行嗎...




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※ 編輯: LABOYS ( 臺灣), 08/06/2023 17:37:27

ohyeah556608/06 17:38fyk

akles11108/06 17:39還不是把人逼走了

kuninaka08/06 17:40SO

Kowdan08/06 17:40已經死了的系列

eva05s08/06 17:41反正只是重製,應該不會爛掉啦....對吧?

zwxyzxxx08/06 17:41還不是狡兔死走狗烹

LABOYS08/06 17:42看影片只是把先前的遊戲完全重新建模hd化

Cubelia08/06 17:42FYK

sinnerck108/06 17:42重製沒差吧

LABOYS08/06 17:43運鏡,地圖設計之類的完全都是一樣的,應該是沒事唄

shadowblade08/06 17:43FYK

n368808/06 17:44被高層嫌臭的產品

error40508/06 17:44有臉講耶

rbull08/06 17:44然後把創辦人逼走

neerer08/06 17:49這種重製其實很偷懶,但諷刺的是沒小島的現在,玩家希望K

neerer08/06 17:49社只有換皮就好

gn011108/06 17:52FYK

cactus4408/06 17:54到時肯定大賣

YaKiSaBa08/06 17:54OK

oppaidragon08/06 17:55大賣是我的 得獎是我的 但我不喜歡你的搞法所以趕走

kenu101808/06 17:56蛤 FYK有臉說這個喔 啊 我都忘了FYK超級不要臉

reader271408/06 17:57閉嘴 FYK

lyt556608/06 17:59FYK

PunkGrass08/06 18:06FYK

SinPerson08/06 18:08右邊比較好…

RushMonkey08/06 18:10把人趕走 說我們商品很成功 (x

jonwei08/06 18:17死掉的系列 不斷詐屍榨乾價值罷了

s3224415308/06 18:18反正都是外包的 死了沒差 活下來就當賺到

LoveCraft08/06 18:20FYK

cguchen08/06 18:22FYK

lbowlbow08/06 18:25FYK

Acoustics08/06 18:30先生還是很高興的 雖然他已經離開了

zweihander9908/06 18:30有種做新作啦還重製嘖嘖

YaLingYin08/06 18:31榨乾剩餘價值

ice7682408/06 18:41FYK 你他媽有資格炫這個嗎

aerysky08/06 19:16FYK

codehard08/06 20:04FYK

castawil08/06 20:05MGS現在是該死沒死,處於死亡擱淺的狀態

hong131008/06 20:19FYK(1/1)

ppp548848808/06 20:22FYK

JamesHunt08/06 21:44FYK是工作,發售玩Game是生活

alligator17608/07 02:43科樂美還好意思提潛龍諜影

karl723808/07 16:51FYK

asmodee08/08 05:09差不多打一個馬車