[閒聊] COS 東灘迷因
These are all meme
Dongtan is a new city in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province, Korea. It is famous for being a city where young couples live.
They work hard on Instagram,
take good care of themselves while exercising.
And carry a dog in a stroller.
Sent from BePTT on my iPhone 13 mini
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 奧克蘭市長:綠帽不是好的合作夥伴Sheng Thao on #Athletics: "The A's have not been engaged as good partners in these efforts." 奧克蘭市長:綠帽在整個協商過程中,不是一個好的合作夥伴58
Re: [情報] Kelly Oubre Jr.出車禍一些後續消息: @BleacherReport Kelly Oubre Jr. has been released from a Philadelphia-area hospital and "will work closely with the 76ers medical staff on21
[爆卦] 普丁正式宣戰烏克蘭欸欸欸 帥肥宅我 邊看聯合國安理會LIVE在屁話時候 結果普丁直接開直播喇 BREAKING: Putin orders military operation in eastern Ukraine40
Re: [問卦] 我就問一句city pop哪一首最頂?我阿里 山下達郎辣!! 這種為我而射~ 的標題我簡直不回不行..~~ 竟然有人想問 city pop ?~ 近年真的是國外大熱 就光說這分類 ,我也是幾年都聽不完 今天我就來分享 幾個必聽的 ,或我喜愛的 優質city pop !33
[閒聊] 離開SM進入YG的藝術總監Visual Director 金世俊(音譯) Kim Sea Jun 閔熙珍離開後繼任的Visual Director,首次參與製作的是2019泰民《WANT》專輯。25
[閒聊] 韓國女性這種服裝的中文叫什麼!?乳提 最近在找_圖的時候常常看到這種6
[情報] QEL PhD students position in CityU, HKPhD students position in Quantum Engineering Laboratory Project: Quantum optics with superconducting qubits (Experiment) About City University of Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong is a young, fast-growing, research university. Th3
[情報] 04/26 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 26 2022 即使你知道會有所幫助, 一個生硬的真相還是很難傳遞出去。 要是你知道現在需要說的事會讓人深受打擊, 有些好方法可以緩和它。1
[情報] 12/13 the daily horoscopeThe old comedy show "Green Acres," which can still be seen in recurring reruns , depicted a beautiful socialite and her attorney husband from the big city mo ving to a farm in the middle of nowhere. While they are clearly out of place, they found a way to fit in. That may, in a way, describe your current situatio n at work, in your neighborhood, or elsewhere, but you may be finding it hard- Exploring Downtown Hangzhou | The Rise Of China's Hi-Tech City Hangzhou Bike Tour | The Downtown Morning Street View | 4K | Zhejiang Province 兩個影片 可以感受一下
[推投] 妖精的尾巴/魔導少年 最喜歡女角「1票」爆
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[閒聊] 大家最喜歡的粉毛角色是誰?39
[閒聊] 原來星野源去年這麼慘57
[閒聊] 各國蛇年生肖郵票48
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Re: [閒聊] 各國蛇年生肖郵票34
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[問題] 鋼彈的強化人是不是都沒有好結局?35
[閒聊] PTCGP 水箭龜活動牌組27
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[閒聊] 中文遊戲攻略AI生成氾濫導致污染22
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