[愚人] HoloCure永遠取消計畫

看板C_Chat標題[愚人] HoloCure永遠取消計畫作者
時間推噓17 推:17 噓:0 →:8

Kay: 我不小心把檔案全刪了,而且沒辦法復原
Holo X Cure 2
Holo XX Break
Holo XXX Break
Hi all

It's finally time for me to make this very important announcement.

HoloCure has been canceled forever

I am sorry for this sudden news
The reasoning is that I have accidentally deleted all the files and they are
gone forever into the shadow realm
i tripped and my hand just happened to fall onto the delete button while
simultaneously deleting the whole github so I can't restore it either
Hi everyone,

I have another new important announcement

Due to HoloCure being canceled, we will be starting a new new game project

Holo X Cure 2
We will also be developing 2 sequels for Holo X Break

-Holo XX Break
-Holo XXX Break
wait no-


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akles11104/01 16:42你小心鐵匠殺過去

uranus01304/01 16:43我們做了一個艱難的決定

allanbrook04/01 16:43kay:我怎麼就管不住這手呢

inana071204/01 16:45理論上github刪了通常會有其他備份,實際上也不太可能

inana071204/01 16:45真的發生就是了

※ 編輯: Senkanseiki ( 臺灣), 04/01/2024 16:47:53

xmas008004/01 16:46因為Kay yu說他還不小心刪除了他整台PC,物理上的刪除

moritsune04/01 16:46是在開玩笑還是在酸SE老是弄丟原始碼

Rothax04/01 16:46鐵匠:

tomsawyer04/01 16:47holo又少了一個遊戲可以水時數

gn011104/01 16:47這真的不是笑話嗎

SangoGO04/01 16:48lol

Luciferspear04/01 16:49這個一定會有死亡威脅

SangoGO04/01 16:49放棄了Holocure計畫,但製造了更多坑XD

SangoGO04/01 16:51下面留言超機車,可以要Holo XXX,不要break嗎w

DarkyIsCat04/01 16:52XXX 好誒

sam0904/01 17:03鐵匠:我們來直播打鐵,你當鐵

lolicon04/01 17:03這...不是愚人節笑話吧

lolicon04/01 17:03

chuckni04/01 17:04鐵匠:你這個不是愚人節笑話對吧?對吧?

rex099904/01 17:14好耶 舊的不去新的不來 你最好到XXXXX

houkihoshi04/01 18:12限制級戰警?

kaj198304/01 18:23喔是喔,不如說你要開放抖內好了

TER0KEN04/01 18:50騙我說要收費遊戲內加開課金抽卡系統行不行

kramasdia04/01 19:58no pressure

KudanAkito04/01 20:56我就看著你能忍多久不做遊戲