[閒聊] 第一次看到FORK in the ROAD有多難過?
看三國 蜀漢輸已經很難過了
結果當初看了 猿駕的FORK in the ROAD
內心整個 灰暗了好幾個月
但過激一點就不敢嘗試了 例如變身
※ PTT 留言評論
[馬娘] 姐姐織姬姊妹 昨天Road to the top觸動人心的一刻 雖然因為篇幅原因比較難像遊戲花更多時間來描寫 可能會給人太突然的感覺5
[問卦] 「肩帶我就可以」的八卦?各位八卦防疫鄉民,大家安安! 我是人醜心不醜、年齡及BMI 都40+的魯肥薯叔啦! 4說… 最近群組都會看到有中國妹子打疫苗的影片,昨天和朋友聊天,他說「只要看到肩帶我就 可以」…5
[情報] 12/27 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 27 2020 You are coming to a turning point, Capricorn. No, not because the year is coming to an end. You are embarking on a fork in the road of your life, and you will soon be offered a beautiful path forward that is a bit different from what you have come to expect. This may involve a dream you have held4
[情報] 05/01 the daily horoscopeYour path through life has been a bit twisting and turning in recent weeks, Ge mini. You may have experienced actual setbacks, or you may simply have been co ntemplating where you want to take your life next. It may feel like a shaky ti me to you, but it's really a time of opportunity. You have a chance now to dec ide which way to go at that fork in the road that lies ahead. Things are chang3
[情報] 03/02 Daily HoroscopeJust because you have come upon a fork in the road along a path you have been following, that does not mean you have been going in the wrong direction. Life is often filled with many choices. That's why "fate" is changeable. We are cr eatures who have free will, and we get to make many choices along the way. Mak ing this choice will be about figuring out which option is best for you - and3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/15當你沿著一條路走到了一個分岔路口,你怎麼知道要走哪條路呢?如果沒有地圖或計畫, 可能會被迫選擇或錯過它。你現在可能正站在岔路口前,阿牛。這可能與你的工作,又或 許是跟一段關係有關,但你需要做出選擇。由於每個選項都包含了一些未知數,因此你可 能覺得自己在沒有方向的狀況下漫遊。所以問問自己,哪個選項在你心中產生火花?你覺 得哪個選項正確呢?那可能就是你的答案。3
[情報] 04/13 the daily horoscopeYou have a lot to think about now, Gemini. You are about to reach the proverbi al fork in the road that is related to your career or a significant, most like ly financially influenced, decision that may be connected to your home life. I f someone is pressing you to figure it out immediately, push them back. They h ave no right to demand a hasty answer from you, and it would be unwise and eve2
[閒聊] ホンノウスイッチ(本能開關) 30防雷 不知道有沒有人在追這部,一對社會人士青梅竹馬的戀愛甜作 男主聖與女主小和到出社會才在一起,目前演到兩人準備結婚 上一話29話開頭還在開心的見雙方家長準備結婚, 但聖因為工作調職到廣島與在東京的小和分隔兩地1
[問卦] 荒原路華Rover可以改名的八卦?各位八卦防疫鄉民,大家安安! 我是人醜心不醜、年齡及BMI 都40+的魯肥薯叔啦! 4說… 最近看了歷史劇「斯卡羅(seqalu)」,第一集講述美國商船「羅妹號(Rover)」沉船事件 …
[Vtub] 刀也花生君 刀P聖誕節2024爆
[dei] 迪士尼刪除跨性別內容 不再參與政治活動56
[MyGo] 欸笑死人欸33
[MyGo] 一個樂團沒有鋼琴真的會差很多嗎16
[蔚藍] 今日壽星-白洲 アズサ18
[MyGo] 急 邦邦其他系列值得先看嗎?32
[閒聊] 老臘入才能懂的醍醐味20
[大車] 姐姐搶先拿到5090過聖誕15
Re: [閒聊] 寫code不加註解真的很顧人怨嗎14
[閒聊] 日本有像西洽這樣的地方嗎?87
[討論] 台北駿河屋的徽章是要賣給誰16
[閒聊] 後來的君王怎麼不自稱寡人了42
[MyGO]愛爽 夜景18
[蔚藍] 兄弟......急.......8
[閒聊] 最近p站發生的留言攻擊事件9
[東方] eratw入坑東方8
[閒聊] 貓貓為啥不會得梅毒28
Re: [討論] 台北駿河屋的徽章是要賣給誰17
[閒聊] mygo五人打lol會怎麼選位置?7
[閒聊] 無腦巨人的牙齒怎麼整齊。。8
[蔚藍] 戀人遊戲48
[問題] 緋紅結繫推薦嗎?24
Re: [LL] LoveLive各團粉絲無法引流?9
[提名] 綾瀨沙季/義妹生活5
[閒聊] 魔戒洛汗人之戰吐槽和疑問(雷5
[蔚藍] 感冒病毒蔓延5
[閒聊] 這張希耶爾學姐看起來好像遠野秋葉啊...31
[閒聊] 這件多蒙的真皮外套你會想買嗎?☺19
[閒聊] 為何伊瑞莉雅nerf梗傳這麼久?21
[妮姬] 紅舞鞋的聖誕禮物