[閒聊] ☁玩家會玩☁之歌嗎?

看板C_Chat標題[閒聊] ☁玩家會玩☁之歌嗎?作者
時間推噓推:134 噓:3 →:50

最新上市的手遊: ☁之歌







我是LGBTA Wiki收錄 [Animesexual] 旗 幟
Animesexual, also known as mangasexual, is an ace-spec ████████
identity and a form of fictisexuality where one is ████████
exclusively or almost exclusively attracted to ████████
anime/manga characters. ████████ ████████


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

yuriuncleisu04/28 23:38☁之歌的☁玩家

Julian9x9x904/28 23:39這是藍色芋頭酥嗎

harry45803004/28 23:39☁= /+cloud

tym748204/28 23:40你的雲怎麼打的

harry45803004/28 23:41我不是教你了嗎 樓上

rxsmalllove04/28 23:41☁ 按cloud加協槓就有

istel1247j04/28 23:42

tym748204/28 23:42/+cloud

tym748204/28 23:42幹騙我

aaaaooo04/28 23:43大家不要玩☁新警察啦

jasonandcs04/28 23:43/cloud

htps076304/28 23:43

htps076304/28 23:44明明就可以

jasonandcs04/28 23:44幹騙我

justinchiao04/28 23:44/fart

ppav0v0v04/28 23:45/cloud

ppav0v0v04/28 23:46

oread16804/28 23:47明明是打手機號碼會變雲= = ☁

kaorikawai04/28 23:48☁☁☁☁☁

mtyk1010004/28 23:50

runacat04/28 23:54

uber6904/28 23:56

joewang8504/28 23:56

idieh04/28 23:56could/

andylinag04/28 23:57

idieh04/28 23:57could+/

Xpwa563704ju04/28 23:58

a2812827604/28 23:58/cloud

tw1504/29 00:01☁☁☁

cross98011504/29 00:01

vanler04/29 00:01☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

killheken04/29 00:03☁胬??

kikike04/29 00:03☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁

got610804/29 00:05

vindur04/29 00:07

jeff66604/29 00:08[email protected]年了 還不會打雲==

ikaros3504/29 00:08☁3630

ikaros3504/29 00:09關鍵字打對就有了欸

j90138604/29 00:11☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁ 真的欸

vnon04/29 00:12

cycy77148904/29 00:15/cloud

anpinjou04/29 00:16

anpinjou04/29 00:17這年頭的 不會打還不會用複製貼上嗎 還要人教真是的

kk478904/29 00:18

fuyuo796304/29 00:19

galaxy455204/29 00:20☁ 打雲就有啊

popteamepic04/29 00:25

Antihuman04/29 00:27/cloud 幹真的

hterry031704/29 00:29

chasegirl04/29 00:30/ øūd

jimmyisgay04/29 00:31@雲柱 該來了吧

aegius1r04/29 00:36

SpiceWolf04/29 00:38

Sunlight842604/29 00:40/cloud

sam35532204/29 00:40

Sunlight842604/29 00:41

tommy047204/29 00:42☁ ☂ 真可憐還要複製貼上

charlieliao04/29 00:46☁ ☁

CKTT04/29 00:47

aha887704/29 00:47☁☁☁

kkxf336g03704/29 00:48☁ ☁ ☁

Qorqios04/29 00:49☁ ☁ ☁

oeegg04/29 00:50

LeafLu04/29 00:51樓下☁

BruceHsieh04/29 00:55

justXDXDXD04/29 00:58☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

YOnew04/29 00:58☁玩家 是支語嗎

chino3281804/29 01:00☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

xxxxx91904/29 01:00cloud/

xxxxx91904/29 01:01/cloud

xxxxx91904/29 01:01☁ ☁ ☁

xxxxx91904/29 01:02打不出來直接用表情符號選惹

tung3d3704/29 01:09☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

pinkneku04/29 01:10

jacky79111104/29 01:11

KangarooDad04/29 01:14

oscar05249704/29 01:15

hehehe7777204/29 01:19☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

foli36504/29 01:22☁☁☁☁☁☁

MoMovincent04/29 01:26

leon428704/29 01:27

shintz04/29 01:27要消費888朵☁元寶來輔助☁突破嗎?

ra8887204/29 01:32☁☁☁☁☁

DiLegend04/29 01:35/+cloud

DiLegend04/29 01:36☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁

wetor04/29 01:37☁☁☁

indiako04/29 01:38☁☁☁

wetor04/29 01:40狗一下那個畫面ㄈ到不忍CC 把廣告費用拿去研發好嗎

Eienno092104/29 01:40☁ ☁☁

yellow11073004/29 01:45

binghongwu04/29 01:46☁☁☁

LIONDOGs04/29 01:56☁ ☁ ☁

mercykill04/29 02:13/+cloud

mercykill04/29 02:14/cloud

floates04/29 02:22☁☁☁

E2405682304/29 02:29/cloud

E2405682304/29 02:29☁☁☁

E2405682304/29 02:30'u2601

E2405682304/29 02:31`u2061

E2405682304/29 02:31`u2601

sars712588904/29 02:39好幾個這種的,宣傳畫面唯美好看但跟實際畫面差超多

lge73909504/29 02:42

lunawalker04/29 02:45/cloud

OLdk112304/29 02:46

cjacky102604/29 02:49

tsp87019704/29 02:59/cloud

QT102004/29 03:06/cloud

smart0eddie04/29 03:11

shawn172104/29 03:25☁ ☁ ☁

reticentcrow04/29 03:43

TroyChen04/29 04:55

ahsgdfce04/29 05:21

miyazakisun204/29 06:27

ccyaztfe04/29 06:34 之歌喝剩

killer022104/29 06:49

ShibaTatsuya04/29 07:22☁ﶝ緇☁ﶝ緇☁ﶝ緇

vivalavida0704/29 07:25

ig4999904/29 07:3833m☁

kana01878904/29 07:41

hsp4158904/29 08:02

kirito121904/29 08:07/cloud

kirito121904/29 08:07騙我幹

nogihkt04/29 08:19/ cloud

akbba04/29 08:25☁ ☁ ☁

m88017804/29 08:31

a866287504/29 08:32☁ ☁ ☁

ponsh130904/29 08:34

Oenothera04/29 08:49不是吧手機無法吧?

Oenothera04/29 08:49

Oenothera04/29 08:49可以欸

GFGF04/29 08:49☁ ☁ ☁ /cloud

roy1999101304/29 08:52

ptskf214404/29 08:52/+cloud

jackass082404/29 08:54

FuruyaRei04/29 09:07

andy20108004/29 09:07

LiouNan04/29 09:08/cloud

rock3010604/29 09:10/+cloud

rock3010604/29 09:10/cloud

DonnyDon04/29 09:11

rock3010604/29 09:11

rock3010604/29 09:15

senkousya04/29 09:15

rock3010604/29 09:16

Ar105804/29 09:16

A1S2D3F404/29 09:18/cloud

revise04/29 09:21☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁

zerobrain04/29 09:29

Lueyueue04/29 09:36☁☁☁☁☁☁

tomatobear04/29 09:36/cloud

peter5012904/29 09:36

tomatobear04/29 09:38

sukulu04/29 09:42/cloud

sukulu04/29 09:43☁ 幹 騙我

cloudin04/29 09:47

a1l1204/29 10:05☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

ad11559904/29 10:24

Helloyou556604/29 10:24☁ ☁

richardz04/29 11:00

gameking04/29 11:10直接變成雲玩家

wfleowang04/29 11:18/cloud

a7911101004/29 12:08

ogami04/29 12:19☁ ☁ ☁

globalspirit04/29 12:44/cloud

globalspirit04/29 12:44

Hoseafire04/29 12:47☁真的欸

godofhair04/29 13:15☁ ☁ ☁

markwang121104/29 13:28來測試自己☁ 不☁

willy91100604/29 14:32

paul89101404/29 14:53

Mist03204/29 15:42

Tinydicker04/29 15:43我想說這篇文怎麼會爆 結果下面一堆雲...

BensonLin04/29 16:52

xu99977704/29 17:17/cloud

Sunerk04/29 17:36

Sunerk04/29 17:37雨傘☂

timofEE04/29 17:55

YeaPa04/29 17:58

BlueMoonTim04/29 19:11☁ ✈ ☁

sssss3333304/29 22:40

Fist100104/30 04:02☁☁☁☁☁

Malchut04/30 10:44cloud/

Malchut04/30 10:44/+cloud

Malchut04/30 10:45

willsonlee04/30 18:01

kevinis012905/03 17:15