[閒聊] YOASOBI / Into The Night (夜に駆ける)

看板C_Chat標題[閒聊] YOASOBI / Into The Night (夜に駆ける)作者
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YOASOBI / Into The Night (「夜に駆ける」English Ver.)

Konnie Aoki的填詞和ikura的唱腔跟鬼一樣 各種空耳

Seize a move, you're on me, falling, and we were dissolving
You and me, skies above and wide, it brings on the true night on me

All I could feel was a “goodbye”
Those only words you wrote, it's plenty to understand ya
The sun is going down, the sky behind and visions of you would stand
Overlapping with you and the fence beyond

Remember the night that we met up
Broke into me and taken everything left in my heart
So fragile is that air, it always keeps on revolving near and wide
Loneliness envelops deep in your eyes

It's stuck in “tick-and-tocking” mode
Never refraining shamble, block of sound
Too many terrible noises around
And the voice ringing in me gets louder
With tears about to fall
I need to find me an average happy tiptoe
Locating, never tough when I'm with you

Saw what got seen hid beneath, and louder nights keep beating
I'm going to you, and giving brighter shiny tomorrows
What can "night" for you mean, infinite? You could run with me
Place your hand in mine, you gotta stay, hold up
Want to leave it behind, dark cruel days, in deep, you may have hid before
I'm embracing you until more heat dissolve what is caught up
Sun will soon rise up into a day you're no more too afraid
Keep all of me in you

Only perceiving through your eyes
I see nothing, I'll soon hate you, keep me out, I'm crying out
You're falling into deeper fascination, giving away your love
That expression has got me crying out

She's gonna try to me, she's gonna lie
Got to force a belief and trust to keep on
Every time it happens, heap of attack, and now I'm back in
I got to cry, then who knows?
So we gotta keep on
If you gotta keep on
Then we're gonna keep on
One day, we will understand, I'm believing in you

"No, wanna stop it, you got me tired of walking"
As I show my needs, I reach to get back on, still not fit in
You free my hand, then leave it
"No, wanna stop it, you got me tired of walking"
Never told you the truth, I'm feeling that inside

Back for another "tick-and-tocking" mode
Never refraining shamble, block of sound
Killing, oh, too many words that I gathered around
Won't let me go to your mind
"I want it to be done" is what went out
It found a way to finally leak out of me
And for once, I could make you let out a smile

Saw what got seen hid beneath, and louder nights are keeping me down
My new images of you, now, appear heavenly now
What can "night" for you mean when fallen seas of tears are gone
They dissolve into the peace inside of you

Calling to life, hit beneath, crying days in the eternal
Give me what I saw in you, oh, what an end to stop all
Seize a move, you're on me, falling and we were dissolving
See me to it, fog is leaving, bright air move

Want to leave it behind, tucked all days away, forget, and hid beneath
Hand in hand, extend to me, that let me know beyond falls
Through the seas of beyond, so loud and blows you afloat in the sky
New wind moving into you
Tonight, don't ever lose sight of me and let go
You and me are running through the night in dark, I'll take you


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※ 編輯: rutw ( 臺灣), 07/01/2021 23:33:15

diabolica07/01 23:33

kira121107/01 23:38其實英文詞不是Ayase填的.....

改一下 Translation是寫 Konnie Aoki

※ 編輯: rutw ( 臺灣), 07/01/2021 23:44:22

bocb2521207/01 23:49最後一段so loud and 聽起來也是原曲

wsx80807107/01 23:50聽到一半還以為是原版

Aequanimitas07/01 23:51蠻無聊的 弄的跟原版差不多 那我聽原版就好了

ki8065507/01 23:57不懂無聊是什麼意思 你想聽到怎麼樣的詞?

js85060407/02 00:05要弄得跟原版差很多為什麼不乾脆出新歌?

Aequanimitas07/02 00:14就是覺得弄到聽起來跟原曲九成像 那聽原曲就好啦...

Wei5566778807/02 00:15這詞跟鬼一樣 說無聊==

Wei5566778807/02 00:17翻譯要最近原意讓外國人知道 不簡單

wenx100207/02 00:20英日文都聽不懂的人當然沒差==

puffer363507/02 00:25真的好強!!

S89012707/02 00:30推這個翻譯者

anyne07/02 00:35這個譯者超強的吧

melvin805207/02 00:38反正對聽不懂的人來說 都是同一個旋律

NB1107/02 00:50聽不懂詞的只聽旋律當然沒差 如果今天出個中文版 聽起來還很

rightbear07/02 00:51第一句沒看歌詞真的會以為是日文版,超猛

NB1107/02 00:51像原曲 我就不信會覺得沒差

shampoopoo07/02 00:59啊這就英文版啊 而且詞填的很好耶

oo275139407/02 01:06蠻好聽的 ikura英文唱的蠻好的

MDay5607/02 01:07鬼神一般的填詞 不是開玩笑 我一邊聽英文版一邊唱日文版感

MDay5607/02 01:07覺更能感受到真的太厲害

MDay5607/02 01:08這不是單純的翻譯而已,而是有很高的創作/藝術成分在

S89012707/02 01:14這有點像是迪士尼電影各國版本的歌曲那種感覺

labiron07/02 01:14但語調和重音都在奇怪的地方 對英語母語的人應該很痛苦

labiron07/02 01:14吧…

S89012707/02 01:14為了讓翻唱不像是在念翻譯 有對字數跟押韻下功夫

CreamP07/02 01:14問題重點是大家如何看待‘英文版’這回事

CreamP07/02 01:14官方版毫無疑問是填了英文詞 但本質上還是日文歌的感覺

CreamP07/02 01:14同人版(如Sayri的詞)則是以英文歌為核心而填詞

CreamP07/02 01:14所以押韻和音節方面都會比較完善

CreamP07/02 01:15個人而言很佩服官版的填法 但覺得不好聽 XD

smallreader07/02 01:31笑死,字幕還故意藏1秒才出來,讓你聽到還確信是日文

smallreader07/02 01:33直到看到字幕打seize a move而不是沈む...

Aequanimitas07/02 01:35對!就是這個意思,像日々に翻成hit beneath,但不

Aequanimitas07/02 01:35知道是歌手口音的問題,還是刻意為之,聽起來就是

Aequanimitas07/02 01:36日々に,有種某些地方直接唱成日文的感覺,整首歌

Aequanimitas07/02 01:36聽起來變成英日交雜

t1996051207/02 01:47第一次副歌直接先放日文版的部分才柔和進英文版= =

smallreader07/02 01:48感謝樓上推薦Sayri填詞版,官方空耳版實在太尷尬了XD

smallreader07/02 01:54覺得太文謅謅,聽到/看到詞句不是能輕易理解

smallreader07/02 02:07Sayri填的詞句是抒情獨白式的,Aoki的沒有

smallreader07/02 02:13前者抒情的歌還是比較好聽。

smallreader07/02 02:19譬如說Aoki有幾句跑出she,第三人稱,就很唐突

ianlee080007/02 02:20也太神...不看字幕的話真的會覺得似日文而非日文的感

ianlee080007/02 02:20

donkilu07/02 02:22對 有點像是迪士尼主題曲在地化 不強求翻譯準確

chiyaka341607/02 04:25太猛了

AmaiNeko07/02 08:45語調重音很不像在唸英文+1 雖然神但仔細聽就會有點怪..

AmaiNeko07/02 08:45比較喜歡Sayri 的

davy01234507/02 09:39平心而論我也覺得sayri版較好聽,但也就僅止於好聽,

davy01234507/02 09:39沒有什麼特殊的記憶點。而官方版特刻意的填詞與唱法

davy01234507/02 09:39,成功造就了更多的話題性,這才是官方想要的。

tsaodin022007/02 10:09英文發音標準欸 而且詞乍聽下還以為是原日文詞

tsaodin022007/02 10:09聽到大開眼界XD

Banarry07/02 10:14字幕是配合分鏡有幾句才會比較晚出現

k92035449607/02 13:14好厲害!

smallreader07/02 13:49真的!沒有這個話題,我也不會去比較其他人的版本。

smallreader07/02 13:50也不會特別有興趣去聽聽其他的

a7509150007/02 16:50這填詞真的是鬼神

Childishan07/05 22:08人家那麼用心有人就是喜歡在那邊講些幹話