Fw: [情報] D4 總監Luis Barriga, 麥考利被解雇

看板C_Chat標題Fw: [情報] D4 總監Luis Barriga, 麥考利被解雇作者
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作者: TaiwanBeijin (台灣北京) 看板: DIABLO
標題: [情報] D4 總監麥考利被解雇
時間: Thu Aug 12 05:35:14 2021

Jesse Mcree, Diablo 4 Director No Longer At Activision Blizzard

Diablo 4 game director Luis Barriga, Blizzard lead level designer Jesse
McCree, and World of Warcraft designer Jonathan LeCraft were let go from
Blizzard on Wednesday, two sources with knowledge of the move told Kotaku.

The news was delivered to development teams today but has not yet been
officially announced. A source confirmed to Kotaku that the three developers
’ names are no longer visible in Blizzard’s internal directory or Slack.
Activision Blizzard did not immediately return a request for comment.

One source who learned of the news said Activision Blizzard did not give a
reason for the departures, but they come as the company reckons with a
California lawsuit alleging widespread sexual harassment and disclination at
the Overwatch and Call of Duty publisher.

Jesse McCree, the namesake for Overwatch’s beloved cowboy fighter and most
recently a designer on Diablo 4, was one of several current and former
Blizzard developers who appeared in an image of a BlizzCon 2013 “Cosby Suite
” obtained and reported on by Kotaku. The suite contained booze and a giant
portrait of Bill Cosby and reportedly belonged to World of Warcraft developerAlex Afrasiabi.

備註:總而言之就是D4總監 還有幾位設計者被暴雪解雇



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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ※ 轉錄者: TaiwanBeijin ( 臺灣), 08/12/2021 05:38:36

frosagen201808/12 05:41有趣了

jouhouya08/12 05:43刺激了

rafe08/12 05:46暴雪快結束了嗎

poke00108/12 05:48有說原因嗎?不會是跟騷擾有關吧,那這樣他們高層可能還

poke00108/12 05:48有得炸

i9221908/12 05:50會直接解雇除了性騷擾還能是什麼?

egg78108/12 05:52覺得很COOL阿

adasin08/12 05:52感覺 ... 暴雪是不是快要重組了?

poke00108/12 05:56他們內部之前是玩多大,怎麼一炸開跟肉粽一樣一串串的

patrickleeee08/12 05:57垃圾公司趕快倒一倒


※ 編輯: TaiwanBeijin ( 臺灣), 08/12/2021 05:58:44

joe19927708/12 05:58涼了涼了

※ 編輯: TaiwanBeijin ( 臺灣), 08/12/2021 06:01:38

amos3062708/12 06:07說不定是成品太爛啊 怕又端出一坨屎來 把總監先炒了

rootpresent08/12 06:09大概是忘了設掉寶率

philip8150108/12 06:11

only5709208/12 06:13哇賽 被解雇是有啥卦呢

strray08/12 06:19就是因為性騷擾文化啦 同時還有一個魔獸關卡設計被解雇

knok08/12 06:41之後一定又來不及做完、沒人力然後被高層趕鴨子上架

Yan23908/12 06:42快倒

hyuchi020208/12 06:54D4不直接出M嗎

Rivendare08/12 07:15哈哈哈哈哈

th11yh2308/12 07:33有什麼好掛的= =這人就黑掉了早就預期會被清掉

Rivendare08/12 07:37OW2跟D4的兩款總監都在進度出來前就掰了 暴雪起飛!

a236498308/12 08:13一定有一小群是垃圾 只是不知留著還是被解雇還是自己走

PunkGrass08/12 08:15垃圾暴雪

yangtsur08/12 08:19這是說只要出現在cosby suite照片裡的人全都要解雇的意?

liusean08/12 08:28掰嘍 暴雪準備跌倒谷底

windletterz08/12 08:37玩什麼D4,去玩WOW板比較實在

Severine08/12 08:53跌慘惹

i9221908/12 09:22那有跌慘 又漲了五塊回來,我看要像之前跌到4X是不太可能

i9221908/12 09:22

CrushQQ08/12 09:32比較好奇OW的麥卡利會被刪或改名嗎,畢竟是直接拿他名字

CrushQQ08/12 09:32來用

munchlax08/12 10:06回到50再叫我 = =

dreamnook08/12 10:19毀掉D4 讓你們回去玩手機跟D3

palewalker08/12 10:3988

bye200708/12 11:48看來D4....