[閒聊] E3 2022 確定只有線上 沒有會場了

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E3 shifts to online-only event because of Omicron concerns

The Entertainment Software Association is shifting the Electronic
Entertainment Expo to an online-only event out of concerns around the

“Due to the ongoing health risks surrounding COVID-19 and its potential
impact on the safety of exhibitors and attendees, E3 will not be held in
person in 2022,” the ESA said in a statement to GamesBeat. “We remain
incredibly excited about the future of E3 and look forward to announcing moredetails soon.”

The ESA isn’t the only one looking forward to summer gaming events; shortly
after the news that E3 2022 would be a virtual event, gaming industry
personality Geoff Keighley announced that his own “Summer Games Fest” event
(which itself strove to fill the space left by E3’s cancellation in 2020)
would also be returning in 2022.


然後Summer Games Fest回歸


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BrowningZen01/07 09:52沒有試玩的E3好微妙,這樣就沒有偷跑資訊了

j2796kimo01/07 09:53會場又取消了,可惜。

gino86102701/07 09:54反正我只看ND 沒差

chewie01/07 09:54

lpb01/07 09:55呵呵,美國……一群失智的智障,再不打疫苗不帶口罩啊!XD

s801857201/07 09:55那麼多人 不意外

ThreekRoger01/07 09:56反正我需要的只是遊戲預告

s801857201/07 09:57的確有預告就好 一堆拍手歡呼部隊在哪裡 也沒意義

s801857201/07 09:57

ayubabbit01/07 10:01e3原本就逐漸邊緣化了。現在連大拜拜都沒了

lpb01/07 10:03的確有預告就好,當年的基諾現身宣傳2077嗨爆遊戲圈,與2077

lpb01/07 10:03真正上市後的慘況,這對比不得不說超諷刺。

fireleo01/07 10:04疫情這樣我看2023的也要線上

CloudVII01/07 10:09可憐哪

fireleo01/07 10:13E3上的宣傳效果沒有比直接釋出遊戲預告好

leamaSTC01/07 10:19對老任以外的廠 效果我覺得差蠻多的 畢竟平常不會有人特

leamaSTC01/07 10:19地去看影片釋出 除非是粉絲

ayubabbit01/07 10:21手遊都可以超過十萬人看發表了

sigma327401/07 10:21至少線上展會節奏比較快,不用看他們講相聲拖時間

safy01/07 10:21參考TGS模式, 其實E3除了預告片外,各廠商也可以辦自己的直播

safy01/07 10:22老任的樹屋也是行之有年了

safy01/07 10:23廠商自己辦直播也只有老任這等級的才會有一堆人去收看

safy01/07 10:23但E3聯合舉辦的情況, 中小廠也有一個提昇曝光度的機會

fireleo01/07 10:24自己辦直播也要遊戲夠力才行,看看索尼XD

xs115322301/07 11:08反正只是畫餅大會,乾脆停一停好了各家廠商都有自己的

xs115322301/07 11:08發佈會沒在car這個了

slowsoul199801/07 13:39隨便啦 預告看起來都很屌 玩起來一堆雷