[Vtub] 蘇米の雀魂麻將八強賽
玄學跟心理壓力都有惹 剩下就是勝z惹!
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[情報] 西門認為76人隊最近的行為正在加劇他的心理健康問題西門認為76人隊最近的行為正在加劇他的心理健康問題 Ben Simmons believes the 76ers’ tactics are worsening his mental health instead of supporting him, and want to deem him mentally fit in order to force him to p lay. Quotes from his agent, Klutch Sports CEO Rich Paul, and response from team offic59
[外絮] 富保羅:將財務置於心理健康之上大可不必Shams的文章揭露了更多富保羅受訪談西門的細節 Ben Simmons feels 76ers want to force him to play; team responds: Exclusive “In this case, we have to get Ben help and not put finances above mental heal th,” Paul said. “As an agent, I understand contractual obligations and I hol77
[花邊] Westbrook:運用自身場外的影響力比戒指重要Russell Westbrook says his off-court work to impact people is ‘way more important’ than winning a ring Even if this doesn’t work and the Lakers don’t win another title, you need to understand that this, at least in Westbrook’s eyes, already has worked. He’s achieved unthinkable wealth and success with his family by his side and75
Re: [花邊] Oubre在Lowry罰球時干擾結果烏帥今天又使出這一招了 影片: Reddit鄉民表示: "This isn't the first time the T$unami Papi has done this. He also did it on Lowry back in January and it worked"19
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[閒聊] 小球迷拿著鱒魚球員卡睡覺有一位小球迷抽到了鱒魚的簽名球員卡 非常高興XD 然後爸爸把整個過程PO到推特上 Don’t mind my little guy!! Pulling a Mike Trout auto on a snow day gets you jus
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