Fw: [情報] Wargaming 宣布切割出售俄羅斯與白俄羅斯

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※ [本文轉錄自 Wargaming 看板 #1YIjdNpz ]

作者: catboost (令和鄭州兵馬俑研究助理) 看板: Wargaming
標題: [情報] Wargaming 宣布切割出售俄羅斯與白俄羅斯
時間: Mon Apr 4 19:43:11 2022


Wargaming announces decision to leave Russia and Belarus

Over the past weeks, Wargaming has been conducting a strategic review of business operations worldwide. The company has decided it will not own or operate any businesses in Russia and Belarus and will leave both countries.

Effective March 31 the company transferred its live games business in Russia and Belarus to local management of Lesta Studio that is no longer affiliated with Wargaming. The company will not profit from this process either today or going forward. Much to the contrary we expect to suffer substantial losses as adirect result of this decision.

We will be completing the operational transition with all due speed while remaining in full compliance with all laws and ensuring the ongoing safety and support of our employees. During the transition period the live products will remain available in Russia and Belarus and will be operated by the new owner.

Wargaming has also started the process of closing its studio in Minsk, Belarus.

We will be providing as much severance and support as possible to our employees affected by the change.

Despite the magnitude of this decision, we as a company are confident in the future of our business and are committed to delivering quality games to our players.

Sent from nPTT on my iPhone

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acidrain : 以後祖國船就沒有優待了 先幫忙上香04/04 20:23
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a5172103 : 彼得和史達林之後是不是要被砍死了04/04 23:59
xul327 : 消息竟然比巴哈還快 巴哈專版還沒人討論 04/05 00:06
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※ 轉錄者: hsnu7980 ( 臺灣), 04/05/2022 20:48:57

※ 編輯: hsnu7980 ( 臺灣), 04/05/2022 20:50:22

h010366104/05 20:55轉的公司就是以前的wows工作室

h010366104/05 20:56其實沒什麼差啊

juunuon04/05 21:13分隔出去以免被制裁搞到

AbukumaKai04/06 09:57祖國親兒子的時代要過去了?