Re: [情報] 印斯茅.... 小(黑)美人魚破百萬倒讚

看板C_Chat標題Re: [情報] 印斯茅.... 小(黑)美人魚破百萬倒讚作者
時間推噓21 推:21 噓:0 →:10

※ 引述《kimisawa (楊回血了。)》之銘言:

: 讚28萬 噓破百萬
: (裝了套件可以看到dislike)
: 兩天破百萬,真是太神啦~~
: 挑戰秋名最速倒讚傳說



To everyone confused with the comments: When this video first came out peoplestarted to give a lot of criticisms, so Disney started to delete it all at
the same time that a bunch of similar positive comments started to appear
saying ‘I love when Ariel did this’ ‘I love when they’ve done that’
etc.. so instead of saying what they meant, they started to play along by
saying they loved something that isn’t there, to mock/protest.

It also seem be a reference to LOTR’s ‘Evil cannot create anything new,
they can only corrupt and ruin good forces have invented or made’ because
Disney/Hollywood doesn’t (seem to) do this because they care, but because
they want easy money and praise while not creating anything new, because
apparantly ‘poc’ and women aren’t worth the risk, so by making parodies of
already established franchises, they get points with people who are nostalgicand who want representation, while not putting up the work.

致所有困惑的新來者: 當影片剛放出了,評論區充滿了批評,所以迪士尼把他們都全刪了,取而代之的是一系列讚美的意味不明罐頭言論





''To each of us falls a task, and all the Emperor requires of us Guardsmen
is that we stand the line, and we die fighting.''
''It is what we do best.''
"We die standing."
-General Sturnn


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ZoeyDestiny09/12 12:53笑死,愛控評啊

reaturn09/12 12:53就刪負評,然後評論區開始著火

reaturn09/12 12:54大家都愛禁評

xsc09/12 12:54笑死

xsc09/12 12:54不如一開始不給評

brian04081809/12 12:55小編很累欸 還要分是不是反串

ice7682409/12 12:58笑死

Koyomiiii09/12 13:00禁評老鼠

leo7941509/12 13:01再下去就要關留言了

as336670009/12 13:02怎麼不直接關留言算了

Tads09/12 13:07直接關就擺明這部已經糟到沒救了 只刪負評 留下正面評論 還

Tads09/12 13:07能讓人昧著良心騙路人說這部多優質

kslxd09/12 13:08為了部落

neroute09/12 13:17最後的註腳真的是酸得恰到好處

crayon198809/12 13:22笑死 直接開趴

robo09/12 13:22有沒有人有辦法看到道讚有多少

robo09/12 13:23

shi052009/12 13:25直接鎖評不就好了

toyamaK5209/12 13:25

shi052009/12 13:27根據裝顯示倒讚數元件的統計數據倒讚數是讚數4倍

catatonic09/12 13:37YT很多影片都被這樣的評論洗過 該是公關公司慣用伎倆

catatonic09/12 13:38就是稱讚完全無關緊要毫無意義的點 然後真正評論被洗掉

yukiinsummer09/12 13:44看來國外也需要中介一下

ltytw09/12 13:51笑死

tcancer09/12 14:36現在的世界就是嘴裡喊著自由又一邊扼殺自由

tcancer09/12 14:38負面反應被擠壓所以創造了高級酸和反串黑

pttha09/12 14:48I love the part when Ariel says “I’ll be back”. Its

pttha09/12 14:48made me tremble

hutao09/12 15:53人類的紀元結束了,太地獄了XDDD

polarbearrrr09/12 16:52魔戒哪句台詞讚 完美詮釋左膠SJW有多噁心

fuhu6609/12 16:56開party