[閒聊] Adobe是不是有機會解決AI/人力繪圖紛爭?

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這是今天的兩篇Adobe Blog文章

Bringing the next wave of Artificial Intelligence to Creative Cloud
Link: (Adobe Blog)


Adobe, along with many other innovators, has been experimenting with
Generative AI. It is a transformational technology, one that will accelerate
the ways artists brainstorm and explore creative avenues — and make
creativity accessible to millions more people

Adobe 肯定 Generative AI 科技在腦力激盪以及提供更多人創造力上的價值

At the same time, like a lot of new technologies, Generative AI has raised
valid concerns. Among the questions: How is the work of creative people beingused to train the AI models? And how will we know whether something we see
was created by a human or a computer?

但同時,Adobe也指出,Generative AI 有 "valid concerns",尤其是:
那些被用來訓練AI Model的人的功勞怎麼算?

Adobe提出的方案是由他們主導的開原標準 Content Authenticity Initiative(CAI)

Major steps forward for the CAI
Link: (Adobe Blog)

在 CAI + Generative technology 那節寫道

In the last year, Generative AI has broken through as a creative technology
for content generation that can take ideation, exploration, and speed to new
levels, aiding and accelerating the creative process. While Generative AI is
an exciting technology with incredible potential, early iterations have
presented valid creative concerns. As Generative AI capabilities become more
widely available, the CAI can give creators a way to prove that their work
was human-made and not from AI only. Building on our commitment to increase
trust and transparency online, today we unveiled our approach to developing
creator-centric Generative AI offerings by incorporating CAI technology into
our tools to support creatives’ ability to prove attribution and by
investing in new research to support creatives’ control over their style and

去年,Generative AI 有重大突破,可以讓大幅加快產生創作內容的速度
雖然這是令人興奮的技術,但也產生了 valid creative concerns

隨著Generative AI越來越普及,CAI 可以讓創作者有個途徑來證明他們的作品

基於我們增加網路信任與透明化的承諾,我們今天接露發展以創作者為中心的GenerativeAI 產品的方法─整合CAI於我們的工具中、使創作者們可以加入 attribution。




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gfabbh10/19 14:26這不是要給AI訓練師們作品認證嗎?

Irenicus10/19 14:27這樣是以後用AI畫圖還要列reference的意思嗎 XD

diabolica10/19 14:28要自動致謝

gungriffon10/19 14:29電繪不少方便的功能其實也是丟給電腦去算的

zyxx10/19 14:39感覺不太實際

leo12516090910/19 15:09私人架設的還是能繞過吧

kinghtt10/19 15:20這是讓繪師證明這張圖是自己畫的意思?


※ 編輯: arrenwu ( 美國), 10/19/2022 15:22:58

rey12312310/19 15:29重點是CAI是啥技術

yukari810/19 15:39查了一下 看起來是在檔案中放個很難竄改的驗證資訊寫是誰

yukari810/19 15:39弄這張圖等等的資料 不過有看到其實很容易把整個資訊移除

twosheep060310/19 15:40PS已經有很多AI技術啦 那個內容感知填滿跟鬼一樣

yukari810/19 15:40防君子不防小人吧

senas10/19 15:43用ADOBE以外的AI不就好了

kashiwa2710/19 16:06ADOBE早在35年前就開發出AI了

guogu10/19 16:55寫在檔案資訊不就等於沒用 至少要是肉眼不可視浮水印吧

Vulpix10/19 17:17ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR (X)

nedetdo10/19 18:02以後電子檔交作業都要留圖層嗎