Re: [閒聊] 戰神遊戲銷售有辦法超越法環嗎

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God of War Sales Pass 23 Million Copies

And Sony has high hopes for Ragnarök.

PlayStation and Santa Monica Studio’s critically acclaimed God of War (2018)
has now sold more than 23 million copies to date, according to the latest Sony earnings report.

The new sales figure is up from the 19.5 million copies sold as of October
2021, with the increase likely owed in part to the PC version of God of War
being released earlier this year, that saw Sony's biggest launch on the
platform to date.

God of War: Ragnarok's imminent release may be another reason for the boost in sales, and Sony is expecting the sequel to perform just as well as its

"The previous God of War game released in 2018 was one of the biggest titles
ever released exclusively for PlayStation, selling 23 million units cumulative to date," read the earnings report. "We expect similar performance from thisnew title as well."

The sequel will see the continuation of Kratos and his son Atreus's
emotionally charged journey of self discovery as they venture through the lore steeped realms of Norse mythology while battling gods and monsters alike.

For a full breakdown of why we loved God of War, be sure to check out IGN’s
review of the game, in which we said the Norse adventure was a masterpiece. In preparation of Ragnarok's launch on November 9, you can also watch IGN's
spoiler-free Q&A to get fully up to date with the highly anticipated sequel.


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※ 編輯: kuninaka ( 臺灣), 11/15/2022 16:27:14

ayubabbit11/15 16:27法環粉又翻車了

speed702211/15 16:29要嗆人可不可以用點心翻譯一下==

diabolica11/15 16:29台灣一人一片

max8311111/15 16:32索又贏

trtrtradam11/15 16:35索又贏

realmd11/15 16:352個都是好遊戲 賣的好都不意外啦 最終輸贏也沒啥意義

GenShoku11/15 16:36戰神賣了4年2300萬套 法環半年1660萬耶==

GenShoku11/15 16:41欸不對 4個月而已 且還能沒打折跟dlc

undeadmask11/15 16:41法環DLC出來再爆賣一波 要超車不是不可能

naideath11/15 16:43幾個月破千真的豪小

kuninaka11/15 16:48你怎麼不認為諸神黃昏不會帶動戰神2018的銷量

chiuoerice0411/15 16:49四年打四個月 讚

esor11/15 16:50那也要等戰神新作上pc 啊 沒上比個屁

Misscat1686811/15 16:50

Misscat1686811/15 16:51吵什麼!你們都我的人,say my name 戰神

Misscat1686811/15 16:51我要你們演什麼就演什麼!

hbkhhhdx200611/15 16:52戰神四年2300萬我是看不出為什麼能代表諸神黃昏一定

hbkhhhdx200611/15 16:52能贏法環啦

polun11/15 16:56最2一定能比最1好 對吧!對吧?

max8311111/15 17:01對啦 3天400萬怎麼輸

chen3150211/15 17:02新作一定賣的贏前作?

kuninaka11/15 17:05便宜賣,半買半送

roea68roea6811/15 17:34四年打四個月 笑了 五代先想辦法贏朱紫再來

SapphireNoah11/15 17:36以前沒玩過戰神 買了4代嚐鮮 這次5代看完劇情就不

SapphireNoah11/15 17:36買了 一輪劇情game 不好玩