[Vtub] Ceres Fauna 影之強者手遊

看板C_Chat標題[Vtub] Ceres Fauna 影之強者手遊作者
時間推噓11 推:11 噓:0 →:5


Sent from JPTT on my OPPO CPH1920.

Sure I'll be your marionette.好,我願成為你的玩偶 Here, tug on my thread.來,撥弄我的弦線 Spread me open for dolly pink, snow white artificial beauty.綻開我玩偶般的粉嫩與白雪似的人造美 Maybe we're all cold machines 或許我們都是冰冷的機器Stuffed in the human skin. 被塞進人類的外皮 With human sins. 填入人類的原罪
Sewed up by the gods of city. 最後由都市的眾神縫製而生
~Mili - String Theocracy


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Raynor12/03 07:22不愧是暗影大人

MushT12/03 07:26

s87015812/03 07:28推 14我負責

darkkeeper12/03 07:28乘動畫出來的手遊,活的過一年就該偷笑了

Raynor12/03 07:283D只看臉認不太出來誰是誰

homeboy52812/03 07:33這工商帳號給的也太爽,上面一排全部都是99999 XD

JamesForrest12/03 07:59pew pew www

JamesForrest12/03 08:00沒想到Fauna也蠻會畫的

battlecat12/03 10:23

battlecat12/03 10:23什麼情況?

Nightbringer12/03 10:24YT不愧是YT,工商都能版權砲

Arctica12/03 11:51靠北版權砲?@@

s2011612/03 12:55笑死

wayneshih12/03 13:11笑死

SCLPAL12/03 15:36lol

ncuephysics12/03 20:08啪 沒了