[情報] 2023/11/08 Daily Horoscope
有時候,在不知不覺中,這些 『東西 』取代了人際關係。
這不是因為你冷漠,而是因為事實恰恰相反,你的感情太深,以至於讓 『東西 』取代了人際關係。
Cancer horoscope for 星期三 11月 8
As a Cancerian, you are extremely sentimental. And because of that, you oftenform attachments to items that represent special people or moments in your life. Your mother's old China, an antique ring from your grandmother, a flower from your child pressed in a book - these things become very important to you. And sometimes, without realizing it, those "things" take the place of relationships. That's not because you're cold; it's because the opposite is true: you feel so deeply that you let "things" take the place of relationships. Someone in your life is trying to get closer to you. Let them!
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/10愛、希望、夢想與成功,這些都是對你有利的事物,阿牛。即使你已經放棄了其中幾樣生 活中的美好事物,這仍然是真的。但如果獲得其中幾樣事物的可能性就在你身邊,而你卻 沒有看見,因為你已經放棄了?這就是問題所在。對發生在你生命中的美好事物要更加開 放,因為即便它們就在你身邊,你仍然必須意識到才能獲得,朝這方面繼續努力吧。 ———11
[情報] 8/30 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Aug 30 2021 我們大多數人都知曉在生命中最珍貴的是自由, 在自由範疇裡包括愛、友誼、家庭等等無法被買賣的東西, 即使你擁有對於改善經濟狀況的渴望, 也不代表你漠視或沒留意到上述這些無價之寶的價值。6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/09/03我們常常會對於過去所犯下的過錯而起了負面的念頭。一個差錯,或者甚至是人生中踏錯的一步,都可能讓我們帶著懊悔或尷尬來回顧著過去。不過有些時候,阿牛,過錯是能夠將我們引導至正途的。我們從犯下的錯誤中,或者是不盡理想地做出來的事情所學習到的,恰能改變我們的道路,到真正屬於我們的地方去。你現在可能對於生命中的某個錯誤正強烈表達著失落,但是如果你用心地從中學習,你將會發現這終將帶領你去更好的地方。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Sep 3 We often have negative ideas about the mistakes we have made in life. An error or even a faux pas can cause us to look back with regret or embarrassment. But sometimes, Taurus, mistakes can lead us to someplace very positive. The things we learn when we do something wrong or in a less-than-desirable manner can alter our path toward the place we were really meant to be. You may now be lamenting a mistake in your own life, but if you study it carefully, you will see that it will eventually take you to a much better place. --5
[情報] 1/1 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 31 2021 今年的開始對你而言可能不會那麼保守,魔魔, 比如你慶祝的方式, 你感受的方式, 或僅僅只是事情逐步開展的方式。4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/21許多人可能期待著我們的人生課程,那些我們待在這星球上的時間裡需要從我們所愛的、 欽佩和尊重的人身上學習的東西。但有時候事實正好相反。親愛的阿牛,並不是所有的智 慧都是從那些聖人或人生導師身上蒐集來的。有時候最重要的教訓來自棘手且看似讓你不 愉快的人。如果你現在正努力理解為什麼你必須處理某個具有挑戰性的人和情況,這可能 是為3
[情報] 0718 DailyHoroscopeBefore you figure out exactly what you want in some large part of your life - such as your career, a relationship, your home life, or another important part of your life - it is equally important to know what you do not want. Sometime s, from a distance, something can look incredibly appealing, but once you expe rience it for yourself, you realize that there is something about it that is i2
[情報] 11/29 the daily horoscopeWhen is a grumpy mood something to fret about? When it stops you from enjoying your life, engaging in relationships, and doing the things that you love. If you are in that place right now, dear Gemini, you need to snap out of it! Ever ything is relative. You may have some irritating situations to deal with, diff icult people to contend with, or bills to pay - and yes, that can make you fee1
[情報] 04/03/2020 Daily HoroscopeSomeone in your life may have made a lot of promises that they have not fulfilled. Maybe there are other people besides you relying on getting certain things done that have not been done. Have you taken on an obligation or two that aren't really your responsibility, dear Cancer? Your maternal or paternal instinct often compels you to take on a parental1
[情報] 04/11/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou usually have a pretty hard time letting things go. That may include everything from romantic relationships that just aren't working to trinkets you find when you're trying to clean out your garage. You are, in a sense, an emotional hoarder, Moonchild. You are so sentimental and sensitive that every single thing that holds a happy or otherwise valuable1
[情報] 07/12 the daily horoscopeYou may be craving greater abundance in your life in many areas. You may want something greater to be present in your love life. In your friendships, in you r romantic relationships, and yes, also in material things. But when you focus so much on something that is tangible, Gemini, it seems to be harder to attai n. But the world is a lush, rich place, and you were born to be happy. Stop pr