[情報] 2024/11/22 Daily Horoscope
Afinancial prospect that is really nothing more than a fantasy right now can manifest in reality, dear Moonchild - but only if you do the work to take it from fantasy to a realistic possibility. You do enjoy dreaming about this, but so far it has only been a dream in the realms of possibilities. To make it happen, you will have to do the work to make it real. You can start by investigating what concrete steps you need to take. It is easy to dream, but every dreamthat comes true is backed up by hard work. You have the ability to do this, but you can't be impatient. Try to enjoy the process.
[情報] 10/07/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou don't have to grow up if you don't really want to, dear Moonchild. You didn't know that? Yes, it's true. As long as you are responsible and true to yourself, you can retain a childlike sense of wonder and the ability to believe in magic for your entire life. Actually, you do possess this unique ability already, but not always in the large doses that are7
[情報] 10/25 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 25 2021 你一直在希望和夢想某個你想要的東西, 魔魔,這種幻想非常令人愉悅, 因為你想到它的當下, 你會感到快樂與振奮。6
[情報] 12/21 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 21 2021 對那些熟練於使用電鋸的人來說, 從傾倒的樹上砍柴是相對簡單的工作, 但對於那些覺得使用電鋸不安全、 或是沒有電鋸的人來說,6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/11一個你想實現的大夢想看起來可能像是海市蜃樓。你能看見它在你面前逗留,似乎在引誘 或挑逗你。但每次,哪怕只是靠近一點點,成功的可能性看起來都會消失。這是因為這個 可能性故意躲著你嗎?當然不是,阿牛!你值得擁有想要的東西,如果繼續為之努力的話 ,你肯定能夠獲得的。試著去享受追逐的過程,就像你即將享受征服的過程那般。一旦走 到那一步,你就會到達你的目的地。5
[情報] 0618 DailyHoroscopeIf at first you don't succeed, try, try again. That testament to perseverance certainly fits people of your sign, dear Capricorn. As you know, sticking with your goals is one of the greatest assurances that you will eventually succeed . You may be running out of steam now on a venture that is beginning to seem l ess and less like a realistic possibility. But the difference between a fantas3
[情報] 16/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeIf there is some whimsical, fantastical dream you think about from time to time, Moonchild, this is a perfect time to make a wish for it. Although your realistic thoughts might steer you away from considering this in a serious way, and you may only see it as fodder for your dreams, you are now entering a realm where very unusual things are possible and where3
[吃草] DailyHoroscope11/6夢想成真了嗎~? 你可能有個特別的夢想想要實現,但數次的失望導致你有些疲乏、厭倦。 但夢想本就是飄渺不定的,呣呣~ 若你將當前的夢想轉變成願意付出且實踐的目標,那麼你會實現你想要的。 呣呣的本質就是踏實付出且專心致志,即便你在付出過程中不小心遺漏了某些你想實現的2
[情報] 14/03/2020 Daily HoroscopeAt times, Moonchild, you have a great feeling of confidence that a dream of yours will come true. You have, after all, worked hard for and believed in it. And there is just a feeling that it's something you were meant to do, and perhaps it's even part of your greater purpose. But then at other times, when there have been no signs of success or when you can't devote1
[情報] 03/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeThere are a lot of reality shows these days where people who dream of being famous put it all out there on stage risking ridicule and humiliation. If they choke up and don't perform well, they may be laughed at and joked about. But the stakes are high, and if they can complete the perfect performance in that one moment in the spotlight, magical things1
[情報] 07/23 the daily horoscopeIf you can find your balance between reality and fantasy with an idea of yours , dear Gemini, you can find a way to make a dream of yours come true. What is now an imaginative fantasy has the potential to become something more - someth ing that is both lucrative and satisfying on a deep level. Some of what you ar e thinking may not be realistic, and you probably realize that, but you can fi