[情報] 21/02/2020 Daily Horoscope
The more hard work and passion you pour into something, dear Moonchild,
the sweeter the reward will be when you finally attain success. But with
repairing a relationship that has gone in a tough direction, we don't
think of it that way - even though we should. Instead of trying to work
out a conflict with someone you love through debate and argument, try
making things better through love and good works designed to show that
love. You may find that it works better and faster than any other way.
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 05/01/2022 Daily Horoscope任何事情的成功,事業、關係、創意項目-都可能與好運氣和好時機有很大關係。 但不要低估努力工作和獻身精神對成功的更大價值。 你可能害怕開始新的事情,因為你已經對它感到無望的態度。 月之子,你可能覺得現在運氣和時機都不在你身邊,但這其實是最不重要的。 如果你決心要成功,你最終會成功的,這需要你現在的關注。4
[情報] 2023/05/13 Daily Horoscope當你愛自己時,更容易且更自然去愛其他人。 但當你不太喜歡自己,總是批評自己、懊悔決定,並且心懷遺憾,來自此的焦慮會讓你與 人保持距離。 如果這些話現在對你有共鳴,親愛的月之子,這是你可以改變的。 試著看到你的許多可愛之處,並專注於這些。3
[情報] 04/15 the daily horoscopeHave you ever noticed that when you are finally at the point of giving up on s omething you are striving for, a solution suddenly appears? It may seem almost magical at times, but there may be another principle at work, dear Gemini. So metimes the very act of letting go is enough to remove any negative barriers y ou didn't even realize you were creating. When you finally let go, it's as if2
[情報] 14/09/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期二 9月 14 Don't worry about something coming along to disrupt a plan. Instead, dear Moon child, use that energy to get excited about your plan and do whatever you need to do to keep it moving. You are a worrier by nature. You can be quite contro lling at times too - especially when you are pursuing something you want very2
[情報] 15/07/2022 Daily Horoscope如果你一個不小心,一個看似小問題今天可能會變得不成比例 導致這種情況發生的不是你,而是如果你選擇與反對你想法的人進行爭論,你可能會陷入 衝突之中。 月之子,這並不值得。 你可以嘗試和諧地、有邏輯地互動,但如果這不起作用,你可能要考慮直接走開,直到事2
[情報] 2023/04/17 Daily Horoscope巨蟹座 4 月 17 日星期一的星座運勢 你可能很關注自己某一段關係中的矛盾要如何解決。 你無法想象它會有好結局,但也可能假設了許多不確切的事情。 停止猜測,月之子。 現在,你需要停止做出假設。1
[情報] 0531 DailyHoroscopeWhen you stay certain that good will prevail and things will turn out well as you work through something difficult, they usually do - even when you don't ne cessarily get exactly the result you wanted. When you stay positive, you are s omehow better able to see the upside, and to wind up getting something good ou t of even the worst-case scenario. This may be hard to do for you, Capricorn,1
[情報] 05/11 the daily horoscopeA rift you may be experiencing in a work or business relationship might actual ly be a good thing. Since you have to restrain yourself and provide a diplomat ic, professional outward appearance while you are roiling inside over someone' s unfairness or arrogance, you are striving to be patient and hopefully tolera nt. This will pay off if you can maintain it, dear Gemini. But through this ex1
[情報] 2023/05/21ꀠDaily Horoscope親愛的月之子,你不善於『假裝』。 如果有人問你一個衷心的問題,你會發現很難假裝,因為你的情感非常豐富。 你的情感會清晰地表現在臉上,當你深情地感受到某件事情時,常會感動得要流淚或微笑 。 現在可能有人在尋求你的答案,不要試著隱瞞它。- It is becoming apparent that a solution you thought was a good one may not wor k out with a relationship conflict. There may be more compromise needed, dear Gemini, and it may be needed on your end of things. If you aren't willing to g ive a bit more, then you may be at a standstill. If you aren't okay with that, you either need to come up with other options on your own, or you need to rec