[情報] 01/05/2020 Daily Horoscope
Admitting that you don't know something, or that you don't know how to do
something, is the first step to learning. As you know, Cancer, knowledge
is power, but to gain knowledge, it sometimes takes an admission to
yourself that there is more to learn. Don't feel foolish asking questions
that can help you demystify something. Admitting the truth is not a sign
of weakness - it is a sign of great strength, for only those who recognize
that they don't know everything will ever stand a chance of learning more.
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[情報] 04/02 the daily horoscopeYou may find yourself in the role of mentoring or teaching someone today or so metime soon. Yet you may not feel that you are up to the task, perhaps because you don't have full expertise yourself, Gemini. But if someone is trusting yo u to help out, they must believe that you have what it takes - even if you don 't have all the knowledge you need at the moment. If you need to know more to- Someone may soon come to you asking a question that you don't have an answer t o. Your inability to answer that question does not necessarily say anything ab out you. It does not mean you are ignorant, irresponsible, or lack knowledge o f the subject matter. Hopefully, you don't feel that way. In fact, Gemini, you should feel curious about finding the answer rather than be hard on yourself