[情報] 03/08~09/08/2020 Weekly Horoscope
You may find yourself falling into a role that is something like that of
the "designated driver" of emotions this week, especially in family
matters. Someone may be angry or upset over something that is happening,
and behaviors could be unpredictably swinging from love to hurt to self-
righteous. As a very emotional person yourself, Moonchild, you understand
how difficult it can be to get a hold of yourself when you feel swept away
by emotions, so your guidance could be especially helpful. Try to help put
everyone's point of view out there, so that sharing and caring can lead to
a peaceful conclusion. This is something that you can do well. Your
natural ability to nurture could come in handy now when a disillusioned
friend or loved one expresses a sense of hopelessness or the desire to
quit something they have put a lot into. Again, motivating others is
something you excel at, and helping out now can make you feel really good
about yourself, and it may even help you feel better about something that
is going on in your own life.
[情報] 09/13 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Sep 13 2022 你今天會處理一些情緒風暴,親愛的魔魔, 通常你很能好好管理你的情緒, 但現在這件事可能變得有一點困難。 然而此刻不是好時機跟人分享這件本來該謹慎處理的事務,5
[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/30-02/05這週可能會經歷各種情緒,從高漲到情緒低谷,阿牛,你需要跟它同進退。雖然有些困難 的時刻,但也會有一些令人振奮的時刻,而這正是你必須堅持的事。 你正處於一個巨大的變化和也許相當動盪的時期,肯定比平時更加情緒化。但在經歷這些 起伏時要更謹慎,這樣就不會疏遠某個關心你的人,他在這週可能會被你的情緒衝擊得有 些暈頭轉向。5
[情報] 2023/05/15~2023/05/21 Weekly Horoscope在Kenny Rogers的歌曲《賭徒》中,他唱道:『Kenny Rogers,何時該離開,以及何時該 逃跑。』 對於本週的你,這是一個值得記住的好事情,因為明智的決策和保持真正的撲克臉可能是 你成功與失敗之間的區別。 你可能會面臨一個或兩個很好的機會,但如何處理這些機會將取決於了解你正在處理的內4
[情報] 06/02/2022~13/02/2022 Weekly Horoscope如果一段私人關係現在似乎正在邁向失敗,那麼這是面對問題並處理它的理想時機。 月之子,這對你來說是溝通的好一周,在你擁有這種良好的能量時開啟這個主題將使你受 益匪淺。 可能有一些不言而喻的問題,你們倆都不想談論,但你必須這樣做來清理這個氣氛。 不要再拖下去了。2
[情報] 19/04~25/04/2021 Weekly HoroscopeSome piece of your emotional baggage may be weighing heavily on your mind right now, Moonchild. You may be exploring something that makes you unhappy, and it has had that influence on you for some time. But when you dwell too deep in thoughts of this, it only drags down futher. While your goal may be to get down to the bottom of it and find some way to change things for the better2
[情報] 17/01/2022~23/01/2022 Weekly Horoscope你有大的夢想,你也被其他有大夢想的人所吸引。 你喜歡那種創造力,月之子-那種能讓人以一種方式設想未來的創造力,使他們感到有激 情去爭取什麼。 本週,你可能發現自己對與你分享夢想的人感到迷戀。 無論這只是因為你喜歡他們的能量和想法,還是因為也有一種浪漫的吸引力,你都需要慢1
[情報] 13/09/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期一 9月 13 You are good at figuring out emotional puzzles, Moonchild. Your own emotions a re right there on the surface most of the time, even when you deny them. Your empathy allows you to pick up what others are feeling, sometimes to the point where you can relate to and even experience these emotions yourself. But you m1
[情報] 15/11~21/11/2021 Weekly Horoscope親愛的月之子,你是一個有時會很情緒化的星座。 這一點毫無疑問。 但是有時候,家人或善意的朋友會告訴你,你可以控制自己的情緒,但你真的做到了嗎? 在本週開始時,你可能會強烈感覺到你的情緒在帶著你走,而不是你在控制你的情緒,但 這沒關係。1
[情報] 15/05/2022 Daily Horoscope對你來說,讓別人理解你對某一重要事項的觀點是非常重要的。 你不喜歡被誤解,而且你可能擔心這就是現在的情況。 但如果你強求,或變得太過熱情或太過緊張,月之子,可能會產生相反的效果。 要讓別人理解你的感受,你能做的最好的事情之一就是首先理解他們的感受。 如果他們相信你會同理他們,他們會對你的觀點更加開放。1
[情報] 2023/05/21ꀠDaily Horoscope親愛的月之子,你不善於『假裝』。 如果有人問你一個衷心的問題,你會發現很難假裝,因為你的情感非常豐富。 你的情感會清晰地表現在臉上,當你深情地感受到某件事情時,常會感動得要流淚或微笑 。 現在可能有人在尋求你的答案,不要試著隱瞞它。