[情報] 14/08/2020 Daily Horoscope
You have a strong sense of responsibility, Cancer. When you make a promise,
you do your best to deliver. When you have an obligation, you make sure to
see it through. And sometimes, you do this to the point of being unfair to
yourself, rather than risking being unfair to someone else. You may have
immersed yourself so deeply in a promise you made recently that you have
been neglecting your own obligations and desires. But you can do both and
still satisfy your powerful conscience. Try to see yourself as someone who
is also deserving of complete fairness and balance your time accordingly.
很準 謝謝翻譯 應該要多放一點心在自己身上
[情報] 18/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期二 5月 18 Cancer horoscope for 星期二 5月 18 You may be having a hard time fulfilling a promise you made to someone. You ar e someone who takes your promises seriously. Your word is honorable, and the i dea of disappointing someone is upsetting to you. But don't get so caught up i6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/13有時你必須對那些看起來對你來說並不公平的事做出妥協。當你看起來失去了所有,或在 對抗一個強大的敵人時,你就會這麼做。但有時這種妥協可以變得偉大,阿牛。有時一個 糟糕的狀況會以一種幾乎無法想像的方式變得對你有利,這可能是其中一個時機。你必須 做出的妥協最終會變成意料之外的幸運。 ——4
[情報] 10/11 Daily HoroscopeHave you ever made a promise with the best of intentions - certain at the time - that you would be able to fulfill it? What if you then found out that you couldn't keep your promise? That can be a terrible feeling, dear Capricorn - one of regret and embarrassment. But when it's the other way around - when someone makes a promise to you and they can't fulfill it - you may not think4
[情報] 12/26 Daily HoroscopeYou may have taken on a responsibility, probably of your own free will, that h as come to feel more like a burden. That may be because you currently have so many other obligations and so many things that are weighing on your mind. But you did this in good faith and with good intentions, Leo, and that's a good th ing. By trying to recognize this as you follow through and by having the inten3
[情報] 3/30 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 30 2021 Someone may have pressured you into making a promise or an agreement that you aren't fully sure you will be able to keep. Even so, you now feel responsible to hold up your end of the bargain, even though you went into it with great uncertainty, and you may have made that clear. You value your reputation for3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/03打破承諾,ok嗎?身為一個備受信賴的金牛仔,你大概不覺得。事實上,你曾經含辛茹苦地去守住你所做的承諾過,即使在最後那些承諾並沒有成為你所想的那樣。不過現在,你正試著去做出超出能力範圍的事情,因為那些諾言,或因為這隱約代表著屬於你的責任。但是,如果這實在不是你需要去承擔的,你可以透過快速及大膽的反應來找到其他方式處理它。 Taurus horoscope for Tuesday Aug 3 Is it ever okay to break a promise? As an honorable Taurus, you probably don't think so. In fact, you have probably gone out of your way in the past to follow through with commitments you made, even when they turned out not to be what you thought they would be. But right now, you may be trying to endure the unendurable because you either gave your word, or it is implied that this is your responsibility. But if it isn't truly your burden to bear, you can find another way to handle it if you act quickly and assertively. --2
[情報] 3/4 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 4 2021 There may be some confusion over a responsibility today, Capricorn - and not just whose responsibility it is, but also how it should be handled. Since this obligation probably belongs to only one individual, it should be that person who decides how it is handled. It may be that someone who is not1
[情報] 12/09/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期日 9月 12日 You can't have something you want right now. That may be the last thing you wa nted to hear, Cancer. After all, you have worked so hard and had faith for so long that it seems unfair to be reading this message right now. But you have t o have faith. If you have not attained a certain goal despite your tenacious a1
[情報] 03/25 Daily HoroscopeYou have been carrying a burden around for some time that should really be sha red. It is not your responsibility alone, Leo, and there are others who would be very willing to carry their part of it. You tend to think that you should a lways be the one handling obligations for others who you see as not quite as s trong as you are, but they will surprise you. Let someone know right away and1
[情報] 2023/04/05 Daily Horoscope巨蟹座4月5日星期三的運勢 月之子,你是一個非常值得尊敬的人。 你嘗試遵守你的承諾,做正確和公平的事情,並且通常是一個好人。 但當你犯錯或做錯事的時候 - 就像我們所有人一樣 - 你會因為內疚和後悔而嚴厲懲罰自 己,並試圖盡一切可能彌補錯誤。