[情報] 05/10/2020 Daily Horoscope
Every person on the opposite sides of an argument believes that they are
standing up for what is right. Their convictions are based in the way they
grew up, the lessons they have learned, and the people they spend time
around. But we can have very different opinions from other people and
still recognize them as being good and having integrity. You may clash
with someone today, Moonchild, but don't lose sight of the fact that your
perspectives are very different. Try to find the good rather than the
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/25當兩個人對於他們都覺得很重要的事有非常兩極的意見時,要去看到對方值得參考的見解是非常困難的,更何況要他們雙方去妥協呢?不過,在日常生活中卻常常發生這樣的情形。所以,如果現在這正在困擾著你,去把它解決是很好的,寶貝阿牛。你生活中的某人很可能極力反對著你所相信的某件事。你也許完全無法理解為何他們要這樣,但是試著與之和諧共處是很重要的。請不要鑽牛角尖在你們的差別上。如果你能成功地忽略那些差別,那麼你的眼前會是無憂無愁的一天。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Jun 25 When two people have polar opposite opinions on something that they both see as important, it can be very difficult to see the merit in the other's point of view, and it may be even harder to compromise with them. This happens a lot in life, though, so it is a good thing to work on if that is a problem for you now, dear Taurus. Someone in your life may be directly oppositional to something you believe in. You may never understand where they are coming from, but getting along is of primary importance. Just don't dwell on your differences. A carefree day is ahead of you if you can successfully ignore that. --3
[情報] 15/03/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,如果要比喻,你可能是一塊可以吸收情感的海綿。 因為你與生俱來的同理心,你會吸收和消化周圍的情緒。 當你被那些悲傷、孤獨、憤怒或無望的人包圍時,你自己也會開始有這種感覺。 也因為你的同理心,你會吸引那些需要你關注的人。 在任何時候都有可能會發生。3
[情報] 06/16 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jun 16 2022 你的一個老觀念需要改變, 不管它可能有多麼根深蒂固。 你在一段時間以前, 基於你當時的理解,2
[情報] 09/07 DailyHoroscopePeople who have clashing opinions sometimes have a hard time getting along. Th ey may base their dislike for each other on values, morals, and ideals. But if you don't know certain inflammatory things about someone, you might find them perfectly likable. Then, when you learn that you disagree on a topic that is important to you, your entire focus changes. You may not have much in common w2
[情報] 5/28 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for May 28 2021 If you were to put all of your friends into one room, would it be crowded? Many people think that the answer to that would be yes, but that's not necessarily so. If you have even one good, true friend, you are a lucky soul. Remember that today if you are inclined to turn down an invitation from2
[情報] 07/03/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,你真的知道如何讓人微笑。 你是如此了解一個人,你知道他們需要什麼。 這種敏感性也可以反過來發揮作用。 當你不喜歡一個人時-對你來說,這通常是合理的-你能夠磨練出傷害或刺激他們的東西, 並利用這些來保護自己。2
[情報] 02/23 the daily horoscopeYou may be seeking advice or feedback now on something you are working on or t hat you are about to start. You may be looking for people you feel are knowled geable and have some experience or expertise in a certain area. But don't just blindly assume that the responses that are provided are a fact - they may jus t be opinions, and unverified opinions at that. You should also consider, dear1
[情報] 05/10/2021 Daily Horoscope我們生活的時代和環境發生了變化,但人-在他們的核心-並沒有真正改變。 無論周圍的事情如何變化,誠實和正直的人將永遠擁有這一點。 然而,有時候我們看到周圍世界發生的事情讓我們感到悲傷、不快樂或害怕時,我們會假 設人們不像很久以前那樣好。 但實際上,有時事情只是揭示了已經存在的東西。1
[情報] 10/03/2022 Daily Horoscope一個認為自己在掌控局面的人可能會愚弄很多人。如果他們大搖大擺地擺出一副權威的樣 子,並大聲發號施令,可能會有人聽從。 但是月之子,你是一個會相信自己直覺的人,也是很難被欺騙的人。 即便如此,與一個咄咄逼人的人打交道也會讓人感到害怕。 今天只要提醒自己,你不必被推來推去-尤其是被一個虛有其表的人(冒牌貨)。- 有些人是寒冷天氣類型。他們喜歡冷空氣吹在臉頰上的感覺,喜歡在空氣中看到自己的呼 吸。輕快的天氣使他們精力充沛。 其他人更喜歡炎熱和陽光充足的氣候,在那裡他們可以沐浴在溫暖的陽光下。 但這兩種人也可以共存。 他們可以鼓勵彼此嘗試不同的東西,或者讓現有的情況更加可口和愉快。