[情報] 20/10/2020 Daily Horoscope
When we say "apples and oranges," it describes a situation where two
things just can't be compared because they're sufficiently different. You
may be involved in something now that is like comparing apples and
oranges, yet you can't help but compare, dear Moonchild. If this has to do
with a home or some other home-related situation, it may be especially
pressurizing. You may be comparing what you can do with what you would
like to do, but such a comparison isn't relevant since you might not have
a choice. If that's the case, retain hope, but do what you must for the
greater good for now. This will work out as you dream, in time.
[情報] 25/10/2022 Daily Horoscope今天,當你想去分享的訊息時,不要太糾結於你怎麼說。 親愛的月之子,你可能在等待完美的詞彙出現在你面前,也在等待完美的時機說出來。 但你只要傳遞的訊息是發自內心的,它就會對你產生好的效果。 你可能認為,如果你的訊息沒有完美傳遞,就不會受到歡迎。但是完美往往在於發自內心 的說話。3
[情報] 4/21 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 21 2021 If things have not been going well - or you simply aren't feeling fulfilled - at work or in a business you are running, this is a good time to explore other possibilities. You may be hungering for something else that you have not had the courage to pursue. But if you look into it at a deeper level,3
[情報] 11/03/2022 Daily Horoscope你現在可能會參與到某件事情中,你知道這可能會有兩種結果。 它可能會成為一個真正偉大的決定,也可能是對你時間的浪費。 有些人可能認為這是一種愚蠢的追求,但月之子你知道得更多。 只有當你嘗試時你才會贏。 而這種態度-它可以走任何一條路-是一個好的態度。3
[情報] 16/05/2022 Daily Horoscope一個事情沒有按計劃進行,你可能面臨著一個迫在眉睫的最後期限來完成它。 親愛的月之子,你想得越多,就越難想清楚,甚至難以睡個好覺。 但是你可以做到這一點。 你所需要的是一個好的計劃,並以冷靜的態度和相信你會完成的信念來面對這種情況。 如果可以的話,請人幫忙。2
[情報] 07/18 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期六 7月 18 Gemini horoscope for 星期六 7月 18 If you don't know exactly what you're looking for, how on earth are you ever g oing to find it? You may have a strong desire to leap into action with an unsa tisfactory situation, dear Gemini, because you want something to change. But i2
[情報] 0922 DailyHoroscopeAre you now comparing one of your more challenging relationships to one that w as ideal in every way, or in most ways? If so, Capricorn, let's start by recog nizing that there really is no comparison. Each person in your life and every situation in your life is different. They each have varying strengths and weak nesses. They each offer something good and something less desirable. If you ma2
[情報] 16/06/2022 Daily Horoscope親愛的月之子,你可能覺得生活中的一個困難情況正在改變你,但是這個是沒什麼的。 你可能開始看到一些微妙的跡象,告訴你自己正變得更加靈活,對生活中的美好事物持開 放態度。 過去,當事情沒有成功的時候,你可能會陷入不愉快的情緒中。 但現在當你面臨挑戰時,你更能認識到你能找到一種方法來扭轉局面。1
[情報] 04/16 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期四 4月 16 Gemini horoscope for 星期四 4月 16 Someone in your life may try comparing "apples and oranges" as an argument ove r some plan of yours that they don't like. You can try to explain why this is not a fair comparison until you run out of breath, but that may not matter. Wh- 因為你真的很擅長某件事情,並不意味著你沒有什麼需要學習的地方。 親愛的月之子,即便你生來就有讓人驚訝的天賦,仍有一些細微的差別和智慧,你必須通 過時間、實踐和經驗來發展它。 你可能會對一個學習機會心存芥蒂,因為你覺得自己已經知道會需要做什麼。 但如果不出意外,它可以為你已經非常擅長的事情增加一個層次。
- If the memory of some idyllic situation in your past is dancing around in your brain, and you keep comparing it to something in your life that is happening now, the present status may pale by comparison. But that's not really fair, Le o. You are recalling that time gone by through the filter of hazy memory, and you are probably, unknowingly, editing out anything bad. You own the present,