[情報] 24/10/2020 Daily Horoscope
You are a very dependable person, Moonchild. And you are also extremely
loyal. Anyone who knows you well knows this to be the case. You tend to
hold this aspect of your reputation sacred because this aspect of your
reputation is important to you. That's why you often take on more than you
should - so as not to disappoint someone who expects something from you -
even when you didn't actually make a promise to do so. Today, however, you
need to recognize that you don't owe what someone is asking of you. That's
the loyalty you owe to yourself.
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 22/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeWe all see telling the truth as a virtue. Most of the time it is. But none of us owes everyone our complete, unadulterated truth. That's not to say you have to lie,but you also do not have to reveal your most personal secrets to anyone , Moonchild. If someone is pressuring you about something you wish to keep private,emind yourself that you own that part of yourself, and you owe it to no4
[情報] 6/29 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jun 29 2021 Being the dependable, reliable person that everyone counts on is a big role. It means that others look up to you and count on you. But that doesn't mean that you can't also take on risks that you believe are worthy of your time. If you fail, it doesn't mean you can't be counted on. You may be considering3
[情報] 3/30 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 30 2021 Someone may have pressured you into making a promise or an agreement that you aren't fully sure you will be able to keep. Even so, you now feel responsible to hold up your end of the bargain, even though you went into it with great uncertainty, and you may have made that clear. You value your reputation for3
[情報] 2023/03/21 Daily Horoscope星期二 3月21日的巨蟹座運勢 某些事情正神奇地、完美地開始落位。 親愛的月之子,當你變得沉迷於將某些事情實現時,你往往希望監督和掌控它的每一個方 面,因為你擔心會出現問題。 然而現在的發生似乎是命中注定的,盡管你可能會害怕這樣想。2
[情報] 28/12/2021 Daily Horoscope如果你是一個典型的螃蟹,你是健康、有責任感的。 你是生活中任何人都知道可以依靠的人。 你會為他人著想、你為工作而出現、你做必須做的事。 但有時候,這種深刻的責任感變得模糊不清,超過你應該承擔的東西。 如果你最近承擔了一些會拖累你的事情,你需要認識到你也欠自己一些東西 - 你需要以2
[情報] 16/04/2022 Daily Horoscope你可能覺得有點煩躁,因為有人不遵守協議,或者他們試圖以一種你不能接受的方式改變 協議。 月之子,當這樣的事情發生時,你往往會生氣並說出來,但你也傾向於內化它,讓它影響 到自己的心態。 在這種情況下,請說明你的情況,並讓它就此結束。1
[情報] 26/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeSome people "know the cost of everything and the value of nothing." That wise adage may describe someone you have to deal with now, Moonchild. That would be someone who is so very materialistic that they can't seem to grasp the true value of something you see as important. You are not going to change that person. Nor should you be offended or hurt by something they have said or done.1
[情報] 21/10/2021 Daily Horoscope你傾向於被你熟悉的人、地方、食物甚至「事物 」所吸引,因為它們給你帶來舒適和安全感。 月之子,那種歸屬感和安全感對你來說極其重要。 但是你已經知道的每一件事對你來說都曾經是新的。 今天或很快,你可能會被介紹給新事物或新人,你需要歡迎它。1
[情報] 22/10/2021 Daily Horoscope你生活中的某個人經常讓你失望。 那麼月之子,為什麼他們還在你的生活中? 考慮到反復出現的失望,把它們放開不是明智的做法嗎? 也許你留那個人是因為你希望下次他們不會讓你失望。 儘管這種態度有時可能會反過來咬你,但有時最好的情況確實會出現。1
[情報] 2023/04/05 Daily Horoscope巨蟹座4月5日星期三的運勢 月之子,你是一個非常值得尊敬的人。 你嘗試遵守你的承諾,做正確和公平的事情,並且通常是一個好人。 但當你犯錯或做錯事的時候 - 就像我們所有人一樣 - 你會因為內疚和後悔而嚴厲懲罰自 己,並試圖盡一切可能彌補錯誤。