[情報] 25/11/2020 Daily Horoscope
This is the story of your life, Moonchild. Yes, this life you are living
is very much your own story. Right now, though, you may believe that
someone else is writing your story, and you may not be especially happy
with the way it is turning out. Drama ensues. Problems arise. Trouble
seems to follow you. But what you might be forgetting is that you are the
one with the pen! Yes, this is your life, and it is your story to write.
That simple shift of perspective can make a big difference to you now.
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 06/15 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jun 15 2022 你身邊有個人會飄飄然地透露某件事給你, 你不了解為什麼他們會認為你樂於聽見, 或甚至接受這樣的事情, 畢竟這個人非常了解你。3
[情報] 14/08/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期六 8月 14 Life has sad moments. There is no doubt about it. But it also has many very ha ppy moments as well. When you are going through something that tears your hear t up, you might have a tendency to forget about those happier times. Right now , you may be experiencing something that hurts, but you have to remember all o3
[情報] 2023/03/28 Daily Horoscope巨蟹座3月28日星座運勢 你可能感覺自己正像命運手中的傀儡。 當你嘗試時,你盡了你所能。 你的堅持和毅力是傳奇的。 你投入自己去做一個正確的選擇,並努力達到自己和你所愛的人最好的結果。2
[吃草] DailyHoroscope11/21呣呣~你可能對現階段的人生感到不甚滿意。 你期望它能有個截然不同的展開,同時你也相信它是如此。 然而,無法預期的狀況以及「命運」似乎讓你束手無策。 話雖如此,一味地相信天命如此不是自欺欺人的想法嗎? 難道你不是自己人生的寫手嗎?2
[情報] 2023/05/12 Daily Horoscope最近你的生活感到非常不穩和不確定。 曾經讓你感到相對穩定的基礎,現在似乎地動山搖,你不知道會發生什麼事情。 這裡有一個提示,月之子:期望最好的結果! 儘管你不知道目前的戲劇會發展成什麼樣子,儘管你最堅定的夢想似乎不會實現,但你的 生活正在逐漸變得更加有利。1
[情報] 01/28 the daily horoscopeSomeone may be accusing you of being a bit like Goldilocks in the story of the three bears because of a difficulty you are having finding what you want in s ome area of your life. In the story, Goldilocks enters the bears' home and tri es out all the porridge, the chairs, and the beds in her quest to find what sh e likes. In other words, Gemini, someone may be accusing you of being too pick1
[情報] 14/07/2022 Daily Horoscope親愛的月之子,你現在可以寫你自己的故事了。 在某種程度上,你一直擁有這種力量,但你可能理所當然地認為,有一些事情是你無法控 制的-比如找到最佳關係的運氣,以及其他可以被視為命運轉折的事情。 但現在,你是如此接近你來時的強大源泉,如果你把你的巨大能量導向它-『以充滿希望 和強大樂觀的方式』,那麼你可以擁有你想要的生活。1
[情報] 02/27 the daily horoscopeA situation in which the outcome of the story is uncertain and leaves the read er hanging on a "cliffhanger" is one that fits this description. It makes you nervous and keeps you on the edge of your seat, which adds tension to the over all story. That may be the extent of the drama that is taking place right now with someone in your family or social life who is acting out. Don't get upset1
[情報] 2023/03/18 Daily Horoscope星期六 3月18日的巨蟹座運勢 今天你可以寫下自己的故事。 親愛的月之子,雖然這點總是存在,但今天好運的風向正朝你的方向吹。 如果你選擇現在要優先處理最重要的事情,你會發現自己的力量會增強,你的「好運」也 會倍增。- Since you are the author of your story, you are free to edit it as you see fit . No, Gemini, it is not too late. And no, you have not reached the point of no return. You have tried something new, and maybe you aren't happy with it. Or perhaps you have recently discovered a possible new path that you wished you h ad taken. But nothing is stopping you from going there, other than your own se