[情報] 04/01/2021 Daily Horoscope
You may have had great faith in a dream that others see as unlikely. To
you, it seems like the manifestation of that dream would be like
fulfilling fate. Don't let anyone who is skeptical come between you and
believing that this is possible, dear Moonchild. Stranger things have
happened, and if you do feel a sense of destiny about this, then you are
right. If you need to, keep your thoughts to yourself as you hold onto
that mystical sense of belonging. It shall be validated.
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 23/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeEven for someone as intuitive as you are, dear Moonchild, following your sixth sense can be difficult. You happen to be very practical too, and you possess a fair amount of common sense. So, when your intuition tells you something wonderful is about to unfold in your life, you may have trouble believing it and embracing it if the more obvious, tangible signs are not there. But lately,2
[情報] 08/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeFaith is the belief in something that you can't see or prove. This may be the only thing you are lacking now as you search for hope that you can manifest a goal or a dream, dear Moonchild. Although you are a dreamer, you are also very pragmatic, and sometimes faith is a hard thing for you to attain. But if you tune in more to the gut feeling you have that you are being watched over and2
[情報] 02/07/2021Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期五 7月 2 You may have a dream that seems so lofty to you or too extravagant in some way , that you don't dare even think about it realistically. Maybe you think you a ren't good enough, or maybe you think that the odds are not stacked in your fa vor, or maybe you think you are too old or too young, or.... something else. B1
[情報] 25/10/2021 Daily Horoscope月之子,你現在應該感到非常幸運和幸福。 你可能會感覺到一些長期的夢想或計劃終於走到了一起。現在似乎所有的希望都開始與你 聯繫起來,從而產生小小的興奮時刻。 而那些微小的時刻正在導致更大的事情 - 你敢懷疑嗎? 如果你保持信念,並繼續嘗試你一直希望的事情-即使到最近都還沒有看到什麼進展-你會1
[情報] 05/12/2021 Daily Horoscope你是一個以榮譽為準則的人。 你努力成為世界上的一個積極力量。 雖然這有時可能感覺是一場艱苦的戰鬥,但親愛的月之子,你是頑強的有原則的-有時甚 至是錯誤的。 你現在可能正試圖在一個對你來說非常困難的情況下做正確的事情。1
[情報] 20/04/2022 Daily Horoscope你可能有很強的直覺,而且你通常可以用你的直覺來幫助你度過最困難的情況,它有時候 會是無懈可擊的。 如果你超級緊張或擔心,或者恐懼在你試圖做出的決定或選擇中起作用,你的第六感可能 更難進入和依賴,因為這些東西會影響你的感覺。 不過今天,你的敏感度是相當強的。1
[情報] Daily Horoscope 2022/06/07親愛的月之子,你打算怎麼度過你的這一天呢?這似乎是個常常在隨意閒聊中出現的輕鬆 問題。但它現在對你有更勝於閒聊的重大意義。去堅定、充滿信念的計畫你的一天,解決 對你來說緊迫且重要的事。 當你能尤為困難的堅持,帶著激情、熱忱和過上你夢想生活的意念去實行。以這種方式開 始的每一天,都將對你的幸福和成功帶來富有意義的影響。1
[情報] 06/13 the daily horoscopeRepeating an affirmation over and over is a good start for manifesting somethi ng you want. But there is much more to it than that, dear Gemini. You may not understand why a certain dream of yours has not yet materialized, despite your strong belief that it can. You may be going through the motions to make it ha ppen, but do you really believe that it will? Or is there a sense of desperati1
[情報] 14/07/2022 Daily Horoscope親愛的月之子,你現在可以寫你自己的故事了。 在某種程度上,你一直擁有這種力量,但你可能理所當然地認為,有一些事情是你無法控 制的-比如找到最佳關係的運氣,以及其他可以被視為命運轉折的事情。 但現在,你是如此接近你來時的強大源泉,如果你把你的巨大能量導向它-『以充滿希望 和強大樂觀的方式』,那麼你可以擁有你想要的生活。- Can you create bad luck by feeling unlucky? That wouldn't be luck, exactly. If you dwell in hopeless thoughts you become apathetic, and because of that, you will dream less and strive less, and in a sense, that can feel like bad luck. But if you make a conscious effort to turn around your thinking - even in the face of unexpected problems or disappointments that occur - you can create th