[情報] 06/02/2021 Daily Horoscope
You may feel that damage control should be your primary concern today,
Moonchild. Perhaps you revealed something that you were not ready to share,
and now you want to cover it up. Maybe this has to do with feeling too
vulnerable too soon before you were prepared. But actually, this is much
better than you think. This is an opportunity to bring the way you feel
out into the open to discuss it honestly and optimistically. Don't cover
it up. There is no damage, just the potential for something good.
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 10/05 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 05 2022 你想對某人敞開心胸, 告訴他這段關係中困擾你的事, 但你也擔心這麼做會以某種方式傷害你們之間一起擁有的東西。 但如果你們不能好好討論這個,4
[情報] 2/7 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Feb 7 2021 Don't dwell on how it will be to feel vulnerable today, Capricorn. There may be a chance to do something that is important to you, even though you may not feel talented enough or good enough in some way. You tend to underestimate what you are capable of, and if a new opportunity feels exciting to you, then3
[情報] 09/19 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期六 9月 19 Gemini horoscope for 星期六 9月 19 You may be feeling upbeat and lucky today, dear Gemini, and you are willing to take a chance on love or something else that is deeply personal. Sometimes we must take on a risky proposition to stand a chance at something bigger. It ca2
[情報] 09/17 the daily horoscopeReady or not, a chance that you have wished for will soon be coming your way. While this should be news that brings great joy, Gemini, it might fill you wit h anxiety. Perhaps you don't feel ready yet to take this on, and although you hoped for it, you may never have thought it could happen so quickly. Don't let your mind fill up with reasons why you can't take this on. Fill your mind up2
[情報] 25/07/2021Daily HoroscopeIt may feel as though something is missing from your life, Moonchild. Even if you have a loving family, a good job, and other positive aspects in your life - you may be feeling an emptiness you can't identify. It could be that you nee d an outlet that satisfies the deeper desires of your soul. This may be a crea tive need, for you are someone who does benefit incredibly from self-expressio2
[情報] 28/08/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期六 8月 28 You may not be able to rationalize or even explain why you keep doing somethin g that makes you feel hopeful. Maybe you are being criticized for it. Maybe ot hers just can't see why you feel as you do, so they see you as somewhat irresp onsible. But you are someone who operates mainly based on the way you feel abo2
[情報] 08/03 the daily horoscopeYou are ready to move forward with a plan that will create a big change in you r life. You have done the work. You are feeling enthusiastic about it. But yet there is still some part of you that is a bit nervous about this. Will you be able to adapt? Will you be successful? Don't concern yourself with possible p roblems or potential difficulties in taking on this change. You are prepared,2
[情報] 18/10/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,你是否覺得現在有更多的好人,豐富的機會,以及夢想成真的可能性正在向你靠 近? 你可能認為這只是你的想像,但它可能遠不止這些? 你最近是否希望或主動向宇宙提出請求,讓這些事情為你而發生? 如果是,這就是對你請求的回答。1
[情報] 21/10/2021 Daily Horoscope你傾向於被你熟悉的人、地方、食物甚至「事物 」所吸引,因為它們給你帶來舒適和安全感。 月之子,那種歸屬感和安全感對你來說極其重要。 但是你已經知道的每一件事對你來說都曾經是新的。 今天或很快,你可能會被介紹給新事物或新人,你需要歡迎它。1
[情報] 14/06/2022 Daily Horoscope你可能打算很快向某人傾訴你的心聲。 你甚至可能不止一次地想要這樣做了。 親愛的月之子,你有一些重要的東西想要分享,而且一直在累積。 但在你這樣做之前,你需要意識到,對方可能也會做出傾訴的反應,而且可能會有一些訊 息出來,讓你感到驚訝。