[情報] 08/03/2021 Daily Horoscope
If you give your energy to worrisome thoughts and dire ideas of what
negative things could befall you, you will have that much less energy to
devote to something you want. When put that way, Moonchild, you can
hopefully see the pointlessness of spending time on worry and unlikely
scenarios that could occur. Today make a promise to yourself to direct
your time and attention to what you want, rather than what you fear you
will not have. It will make a huge difference.
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 30/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may not think of your negative thoughts as a choice you made. You may see those upsetting thoughts and ideas as having come to you through no fault of your own but through experiences you've had. And while these thoughts may naturally occur, Moonchild, you don't have to automatically accept them. That's where your free will comes in. Although you may be dwelling on something5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/29最近你可能花了很多時間在擔心你無法控制的事。你可能會想著如果自己用不同的方式做 一件事會發生什麼事,或許你在幻想一個更好的結果。你也許希望自己能回到過去重新來 過。但這些都是不可能的,阿牛,所以這麼想有什麼意義呢?更好的利用這些時間和精力 來扭轉生活中的事情,並讓它變得更好。你能做到的! ——4
[情報] 11/15 the daily horoscopeCreating a schedule for yourself early in the day will prevent you from flound ering around and scattering your energy. You are someone who entertains so man y thoughts and ideas at any given time that reining all of that in is very imp ortant for you, Gemini, and that is especially essential today. If you create an agenda - even if you leave a little bit of room for being flexible - you sh3
[情報] 0226 DailyHoroscopeSomething you are pursuing now may be desirable to you for the wrong reasons. If you think it may be possible that this pursuit is based on proving somethin g to someone or going along with someone to gain their approval, then you need to be honest with yourself about it. It would be foolish to waste your precio us time and energy on something that is not truly a reflection of your heart,3
[情報] 18/01/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,是否有一個令人煩惱的想法一直在你身上反覆出現? 當事情困擾著你或讓你擔心時,你可能會很難趕走這些想法。 你頑強的天性使你有時會緊緊抓住事情,甚至是那些讓你擔心的事情。 但是放下不開心或擔憂的想法是值得學習的,尤其是有可能毀掉你一天的那種。 而這可能就像把一個壞的想法換成一個好的想法一樣簡單。2
[情報] 21/10/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,你現在可能把你所有的時間和精力都傾注在一個單一的任務上。 你可能認為這是非常重要的事情,如果你成功的話,將為你打開一扇通往幸福的大門。 雖然你在這件事上投入一定的時間和注意力是對的,但你可能會過頭了。 你需要某種方法來分散注意力,這樣你就不會緊緊抓住這個任務不放,反而最後排斥了你 想要吸引的目標。1
[情報] 06/22 the daily horoscopeWhat exactly do you need to succeed today, Gemini? You may think there is some thing very specific that needs to happen, and you may wonder how it possibly c an. But instead of coming up with a mental list of reasons why it can't occur, just let it go and know that the best will be. Your charm, your good energy, and your pure intentions will draw all the good that you need to help you get1
[情報] 08/10 the daily horoscopeYou know what they say about "idle hands." They get you into trouble. And this is especially true for someone like you, dear Gemini - someone with a deep we llspring of energy and a somewhat restless nature. If you can't get started ye t on something you want to do, don't just sit around waiting. Find something e lse that is worthy of your time and energy. You can accomplish a lot today if1
[情報] 10/16 the daily horoscopeIf you are feeling a bit restless today, Gemini, channel that excessive energy into something that is positive. A state of restlessness can lead to worry an d concern, and that's not a positive mindset. But if you use that extra energy you have to do something productive, it will take you somewhere that can lead to a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. What do you most want to achiev- Someone or something you love will capture the center of your attention today, Gemini. Whether this is a relationship that brings you joy or an interest you have been wanting to pursue, this is a great day to revel in it. You are ofte n very good at scattering your energy in many directions and juggling many thi ngs at once. Slow down today, and turn your attention to something that makes