[情報] 27/03/2021 Daily Horoscope
Wearing a life vest while swimming in the ocean can bring a nice sense of
reassurance, even if you are a good swimmer. After all, the waves can come
high and hard, and it's easy to become tired in those conditions. Having
that reassurance can make your swim more pleasant, removing the element of
worry. The same goes for many other things in life that have the potential
to become challenging, Moonchild. You may be working on something now that
is emotionally draining, though potentially extremely rewarding. Venting
to someone in your support system can help keep you afloat and make the
whole experience more pleasant.
[情報] 0530 DailyHoroscopeThere is something hypnotic about the sound of waves lapping against the shore . The rhythm of that sound, along with the breeze running through your hair an d the sun warming your skin can create a kind of trance of well-being. It remi nds us that nature is constant. It reminds us that there are things in life th at we can count on, and that is a reassuring feeling. You may have a feeling o5
[情報] 07/26 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 26 2022 在你生命中的某個人非常努力想要跟你相處, 他們可能做了感覺上所有對的事, 但你們兩個還是與彼此非常不同, 所以你們感受和做事情的方法自然會有一些差異。4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/16如果你最近因為某件事沒有按照你所做的付出順利進行感到不公平,千萬不要讓這樣的情緒繼續發酵,因為那有可能會讓你變得很自私。若是出自於自私自利的態度,是沒有辦法在生命中創造出美好的東西來的,阿牛。大家都有顧影自憐的時候。在努力了那麼久又如履薄冰地試圖達成一件事的時候,要變得充滿懷疑是非常簡單的。試著把它當作一種挑戰而不是某種成就吧。莫再沉浸於悔恨裡,任其將你淹沒。相反的,由它來啟發你處理更偉大的事物。 Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Jun 16 If you are feeling resentful because something has not panned out for you despite great effort, don't allow that thought to evolve further, for it may eventually make you cynical. And you can't create great things in your life by looking at things from a cynical point of view, Taurus. Everyone has moments of self-pity. It is easy to become skeptical when you try hard for something and you struggle to make it happen. But let it be a challenge instead of a millstone. Don't drag around your resentment, or it will bring you down. Let it inspire you to tackle bigger things instead. --3
[情報] 08/29 the daily horoscopeDo you remember the time in your life when you were at your happiest? It may b e hard to recall. In fact, Gemini, it may feel like another lifetime ago. Ther e have been challenges recently, and you have been focused on them, possibly w ith intensity. We all yearn in certain moments to go back in time to places, a nd situations that we recall as having been trouble-free. But memory can be ve2
[情報] 25/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期二 5月 25 Cancer horoscope for 星期二 5月 25 If you are driving along to a pleasant destination, and you are enjoying the r ide, you might be disappointed or even perturbed if you suddenly come upon a d etour. You would have to go a long way around, and perhaps get lost. It could2
[情報] 17/01/2022~23/01/2022 Weekly Horoscope你有大的夢想,你也被其他有大夢想的人所吸引。 你喜歡那種創造力,月之子-那種能讓人以一種方式設想未來的創造力,使他們感到有激 情去爭取什麼。 本週,你可能發現自己對與你分享夢想的人感到迷戀。 無論這只是因為你喜歡他們的能量和想法,還是因為也有一種浪漫的吸引力,你都需要慢2
[情報] 20/05/2022 Daily Horoscope你即將經歷的一個幸運的突破口,這與運氣完全無關。 親愛的月之子,這對你來說很重要,因為你經常把你在生活中經歷的好事歸咎為隨機的幸 運。 現在的情況完全不是這樣。 你在過去做了那麼多美好的事情才走到這一步。1
[情報] 18/08/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期三 8月 18 You have nothing to worry about, Moonchild. Does seeing those words in front o f you make you feel any better? You should be able to provide that kind of rea ssurance for yourself. You are, after all, so intuitive that deep down you alr eady know this, and yet, that may not be enough. With an imagination like your1
[情報] 21/10/2021 Daily Horoscope你傾向於被你熟悉的人、地方、食物甚至「事物 」所吸引,因為它們給你帶來舒適和安全感。 月之子,那種歸屬感和安全感對你來說極其重要。 但是你已經知道的每一件事對你來說都曾經是新的。 今天或很快,你可能會被介紹給新事物或新人,你需要歡迎它。- Brightening your mood could be as simple as helping out someone else. Even if you are already feeling pretty good, Gemini, you might have moments of introsp ection where you become a bit moody. But stepping outside of yourself to do so mething nice for someone else could dramatically alter your perspective and gi ve you a sense of inspiration. Seeing that someone else is in need can help yo